antelope double header done by 10 am

just got back from are trophy antelope hunt got 2 nice bucks by ten am on opening morning yeah!!! pics to follow soon
:thumb good job! can't wait for the pictures!
300 asked me to post these pics of his speedgoat hunt...and success!!

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thanks for posting the pics for me i was wondering what you guys think for a rough score the first guy has mass and the second has the height
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i think i should have let mine go now that i look at the pics do u think i made an ethical choice by taking him all i saw was the width and mass and it was my first antelope what do u guys think
300, you can take my answer with a grain of salt since I have never hunted pronghorn before (It's on my wish list though!) but I see nothing wrong with it. Is it a B&C buck....NO....but that's not how you should measure a trophy. If you're happy with him, the hunt was ethical, you worked hard for him, and you enjoyed the essence of the hunt then I say it's a trophy!

Of course, if you were after nothing but a "book" buck then maybe you pulled the trigger too early. I guess it would also depend on the trophy possibilities of the unit you were hunting in.

Bottom line, I would not have hesitated to pull the trigger. Again, I've never harvested one before so my view is a bit jadded but I see nothing wrong with it at all!
both are great looking bucks and if they are trophys in your eyes then that is all that matters. can you give us a story as to what happend on your hunt.

congrats on a couple of good looking goats.
300 wsm

I'm terrible at scoring these also, but congrats on some fine looking Goats and it looks fun!

Hope to get a good one some day also. :thumb
Snake River Marksman
I'd have shot them. Especially if there was a good story to tell over antelope filets and a cold beer! To me, the only thing that would be unethical is if they were staked out for you or you just drove up and shot it from the cab of the truck.
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from the cab of the truck hell no its all ethics with me spot and stalk
lifetime hunter
=D> Good job! great lopes!

the only bad thing about being done at 10 am.. is the hunt you've waited months for is over #-o

but you got the memories & photo's that will last a lifetime!!

Congrats!" alt="" />
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u also got a plus can go to work the next day and make some money to keep the wife happy lol!! they are trophys in my eyes the only thing that was bothering me was that maybe they werent matture enough because i know nothing about antelope
"300 wsm" wrote:u also got a plus can go to work the next day and make some money to keep the wife happy lol!! they are trophys in my eyes the only thing that was bothering me was that maybe they werent matture enough because i know nothing about antelope
300 wsm, Great job on your antelope. =D>
Good goats goood job.

Wyoming I take it?
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neat pics
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I've seen a lot smaller Antelope hanging on the wall. you did good! Next time try and wait for a bigger one.
I have a tag for near were I live, I have been passing up on bucks for the past 2 days. I got till the 14th to shoot one so I can wait.
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those are some nice goat there. i would say they would score pretty good. in teh 70's some where in that range.
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nope not wyomming alberta canada