antelope double header done by 10 am
300 wsm
9/24/07 4:50pm
just got back from are trophy antelope hunt got 2 nice bucks by ten am on opening morning yeah!!! pics to follow soon
Of course, if you were after nothing but a "book" buck then maybe you pulled the trigger too early. I guess it would also depend on the trophy possibilities of the unit you were hunting in.
Bottom line, I would not have hesitated to pull the trigger. Again, I've never harvested one before so my view is a bit jadded but I see nothing wrong with it at all!
congrats on a couple of good looking goats.
I'm terrible at scoring these also, but congrats on some fine looking Goats and it looks fun!
Hope to get a good one some day also. :thumb
the only bad thing about being done at 10 am.. is the hunt you've waited months for is over #-o
but you got the memories & photo's that will last a lifetime!!
Wyoming I take it?
I have a tag for near were I live, I have been passing up on bucks for the past 2 days. I got till the 14th to shoot one so I can wait.