Antelope hunt

where's a good place to hunt. with over the counter tags. Rifle.... maybe archery.

Anyone have any ideas? public grounds, trespass fee, or outfitter.

Just starting to look around needed some advice

thanks in advance
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New Mexico is guaranteed tags on private land.
With 400,000 some goats wyoming is pretty decent place to start. There are a lot of left over tags just check the unit to make sure you have a good amount of public access. The wildlife dept normally has list of ranchers that allow hunting especially for tresspass fees. Make a few phone calls and go to the Wyoming dept site and you should be well on your way.
Snake River Marksman
Repeat after me, "there are NO antelope in Wyoming, there are NO antelope in Wyoming" They are all in Colorado!

However, unit 31 in Wyoming would be a good place to look because you can fly into Casper, there are leftover tags almost every year, and there is public land available.
LOL .....Snake River Marksman, I feel your pain.
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did i read that right 400,000 antelope in wyoming holy sh$t
Used to be over 500,000 and used to be more antelope than people in Wyoming
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"there are no Antelope in WY....... I got it. :thumb
I'll look else where...... :))

thanks everyone.
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Colorado :thumb
Colroado ONLY offers OTC antelope with a bow and most of the units are on the Eastern Plains there are a few other untis too.

Idaho is OTC bow

Montana offers guaranteed draw for Bow in some units I believe the 900 series

Nebraska is OTC for Bow

Utah has some really good draw odds for bow

Arizona,Nevada,New Mexico tough draw odds great antelope trophy states

New Mexico used to be OTC bow for public land not any more

WYOMING lots of goats usally some good left over tags

bow :arrow is the only bet for OTC for antelope in a few states
Hey Snake River, You WY guys can't handle the job by yourselves. -#-

You got to have us NR's to help control the over population :arrow :222
Snake River Marksman
Seems like we're getting it done. There were 500K, now there is only 400K. LOL

Now if I could just convince everyone to shoot more does, we'd have more and bigger bucks.
We normally take equal numbers of does and bucks when we hunt Wyoming. We have the same problem here with whitetail. Non-residents don't come to Kansas to shoot a doe.
Wyoming allows up to 4 does in most antelope units in the North east

and there only $29.00 EACH