antelope unit to apply for?

so i have a question (???)

i think i want to apply for an antelope tag for wyoming this year. BUT i dont have any antelope points.

i hunted south of sheridan in the shirley basin probably 10 years ago, but it's a harder to draw tag( i think)
so what i'm looking for is a unit that is easy to draw, maybe one that i can pick up a few doe tags, and it doesn't need to be a trophy unit. i want to take my my kids and nephew ( nephew is the only one old enough to hunt) and let them, enjoy just a fun hunt where size doesn't matter.

when i was there before we seen plenty of antelope on the other side of the highway , in a different unit- but i dont know if its easy to draw(will be looking into it)

any input would be appriciated- and feel free to send me a p.m. THANKS :thumb