antler restrictions

so i was wondering on everyones opinion on a antler restriction type program. if for say there was a 3 pt(not including eye guards) or so antler restriction on say the southern utah unit... on all seasons.. and i understand there are strictly meat hunters or people who dont care about the antlers. so for the people like that and to help keep the deer numbers down do to the less bucks being harvested at least for the first several years. they introduce more doe tags. i believe there is pretty good genes around my neck of the woods and i would think it would allow the bucks to grow abit older and show more trophy sized would probably be a bit rough for the first 3-4 years but i would think it would improve the quality of bucks in the long run. from the deer i observe in my area there is definently the genes to produce great bucks if given time to mature. they may never be henry mtn bucks but definently good quality mature bucks. i dont see a need to have such a huge difference in the buck to doe ratio(is there one?). well just thought id throw this idea/opinion out there.... whats everyones views on something like this am i dreaming or could this work...?
I think I heard they tried that back in the day - And I can see the same thing going wrong today as I heard went wrong back then. You'd get the guys (and there tends to be a lot of them in Utah) who aren't concerned with thinking about the future and how shooting an extra deer or two in your hunting party is no big deal, problem is there's a lot of people who do it and it is a big deal. Well from what I heard when they had the size restrictions people would see horns, blast away, then count antlers later - If they didn't meet the limit they left it to rot. The DWR found enough of these cases that they did away with the law. I for one think it's a great idea and would do wonders for us trophy hunters (and whether they admit it or not, the meat hunters still think it's cool to see a little horn these days, so they'd like the change after 3-4 years of the program). On the other hand though, I think if we tried this today the same thing would happen as happened before. There's just not enough smart/ethical hunters running around the general units in Utah..... Again, JUST my opinion - No facts behind any of this paragraph, but I do feel pretty confident with everything I've said.
The Ox
well i am gonna try to do some more research on stuff, i am just wondering people views on it.... thanks for your opinion hh! i think a lot of reason for the unethical people is its so hard to get deer anymore that they feel a need to do this to be able to get one...i think after several years of this they would be less provoked to shoot smaller ones and take time to look at antler sizea bit closer due to increased numbers of mature bucks. i know the so called strict meat hunters would complain for a while but would definently be happy with the results after a few years. seriously who would shoot a forky standing next to a mature 4 pt...not many.
im not making any excuses whatsoever for them but i believe the poachers also would decline becuase i think alot of them feel the need to poach because of lack of mature bucks and when they have the oppurtunity on one even out of season they take it outta fear of never getting on oppurtunity on a buck like that again especially, during the hunting season.

They have tried it in the past, and the simple fact of the matter is it failed. I don't believe it will work.

I used to be for trying it again and thought it was a good idea myself, but not anymore...this came after talking and asking a DWR officer about it myself.

Killing does is a bad idea right now anywhere around me, not enough deer.

We need less TAGS or close down some units for a couple of years to get some BIGGER bucks back.
I think right now micro management would be the best thing for Utah deer (of course that would require the DWR to do a little work, we don't want that now do we?).. Along with this less tags would be GREAT!

After a short couple years of this Utah could be right up there with the best in general public land units, providing good opportunity at trophy class animals year after year.
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They tried antler restrictions here in CO a number of years back and it didn't seem to help the deer herd out a bit...then they went to totally limited deer tags and that seems to be the ticket. Dedicated guys like us, who are thinking about how/where to hunt this fall, have no trouble getting some kind of deer tag to hunt somewhere, and there sure seems to be more deer around now than there was 7-8 years ago. Lots of pretty decent bucks around too, and the deer herd's generally in good enough shape that DOW wants to harvest does in most units, so if you need meat for the freezer you can do that too.
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Okay my imput on things, the 3pt. or better thing would work if people followed it. A hole in the 3pt. or better thing is where I live there are giant 2 pts. and tiny 3pts. You want to be killing older deer not younger deer just because they have an extra point. It's all in the hunter himself, yes there are some guys out there who say they do it all for the meat, but who wouldn't want as much bone on the head as you can get. I love deer meat and have to at least have one deer a year, but I try not to shoot anything less than a 3 point and won't shoot a 3pt. if it's obviouse he is not mature at all. I figure eventually your going to need that little buck you passed up to grow and be a real buck one day. I don't feel the DWR in Utah has done a great job on the deer herd they've focused on the elk herd and yes we have some of the biggest bulls anywhere. Our deer herd not so much, regions need to be split up a little more, less tags, and maby splitting the bow hunt into regions would help. I just feel the deer hunt has become the cash in for the DWR and thats where the money comes from, it would be nice to be able to go out and see plenty of giant bucks wandering around but that's just not the case and probably won't ever be agian. (A few less 4wheeler trails would help to)
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New Mexico has had a 2 pt restriction for years, they just went to the 3 pt restriction last year, lots of people see the deer and think it will make 3 points (small kickers and such) when they get to it they find out it is a 2 point, they walk off. The 2pt restriction has not helped the population, I’m not sure the 3 point will do any better.
I did hunt Colorado when they had their 3pt restriction, did not help them. I know it hurt but reduce the pressure and tags are the only way to increase population. If they want a trophy area, they need to restrict the hunt to 4pt; afterwards have a management season to take the older 2&3 pts. It will be a lot of work and several years before the results are seen
I think [in most cases] there are mature bucks. The big guys will require more work, longer hikes. and for sure a hard pack out. I think most hunters especially if your a resident and know the areas, have a good chance at a mature buck, just takes more work. The point restriction, would be a good idea if everyone would comply.
Fact is however the bucks still don't have much more chance of getting trophy size. Instead of a lot of forks being harvested, they will be 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 still not enough years to reach trophy size.
I think it would work well here,we have tons of doe tags avaliable for meat hunters(ME) and I wont shoot anything but a mature buck,they arnt that hard to find if you really want one.Im so sick of seeing tiny 4x4s and two points piled in the back of trucks 4 deep because the guyss are too lazy to hold out for a big buck,same guys that b itch that there arnt any good bucks left arounfd here anymore.
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well i shoot the two points and 3x3 and 4X4s, and its not because im to lazy to get a big one, i work my butt of the get a 2 point or so on. thats why i think that the antler restriction law wouldnt work to good.
You live in Colorado,home to some of the biggest bucks in the world,you need to expand you area if you arre working your but off for a diny two point.
"NONYA" wrote:You live in Colorado,home to some of the biggest bucks in the world,you need to expand you area if you arre working your but off for a diny two point.
IMO the point restrictions that Colorado had during the 90's were harmful to the deer and it didn't work at all. Forkies left to rot all over the mountains, sad deal. They also put a ton of pressure on the larger bucks, so very few if any ever made it to maturity. Limiting the number of tags and making the seasons start and finish pre-rut is a great way to keep big bucks on the mountain. Killing off a bunch of cats will also help, as lions love to prey on mature, loner muleys.
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i aint gonna pass on a deer to hope that a monster will show up. i belive i said this before i really dont care if it's a monster or a 2 point to me thats not even an issue. you hunt you way nonya and i respect that. but i aint going to pass on a deer because it has just 2 pointer.
Well then dont be suprised if you never do,no patience = no reward.
Personally I can say that I hunt an area in Idaho that has a 4 point or better restriction. I dont like it because we have some HUGE 3 points running around our property that I would love to shoot. They have been 3 points for several years and one is around 30" wide. I have also walked across a few 3 points that were shot and left to rot. Not good. I like seeing big bucks but I dont mind shooting a small one either. I have more fun hunting with my kids that anything and when one of them shoots a two point we are having the time of our life. I think it is fun to hope and aspire for a monster but I enjoy hunting for what it is. Hunting. There is nothing wrong with shooting a small buck. Especially when its on the grill. :thumb