antler restrictions
The Ox
1/19/08 11:55pm
so i was wondering on everyones opinion on a antler restriction type program. if for say there was a 3 pt(not including eye guards) or so antler restriction on say the southern utah unit... on all seasons.. and i understand there are strictly meat hunters or people who dont care about the antlers. so for the people like that and to help keep the deer numbers down do to the less bucks being harvested at least for the first several years. they introduce more doe tags. i believe there is pretty good genes around my neck of the woods and i would think it would allow the bucks to grow abit older and show more trophy sized would probably be a bit rough for the first 3-4 years but i would think it would improve the quality of bucks in the long run. from the deer i observe in my area there is definently the genes to produce great bucks if given time to mature. they may never be henry mtn bucks but definently good quality mature bucks. i dont see a need to have such a huge difference in the buck to doe ratio(is there one?). well just thought id throw this idea/opinion out there.... whats everyones views on something like this am i dreaming or could this work...?
im not making any excuses whatsoever for them but i believe the poachers also would decline becuase i think alot of them feel the need to poach because of lack of mature bucks and when they have the oppurtunity on one even out of season they take it outta fear of never getting on oppurtunity on a buck like that again especially, during the hunting season.
They have tried it in the past, and the simple fact of the matter is it failed. I don't believe it will work.
I used to be for trying it again and thought it was a good idea myself, but not anymore...this came after talking and asking a DWR officer about it myself.
Killing does is a bad idea right now anywhere around me, not enough deer.
We need less TAGS or close down some units for a couple of years to get some BIGGER bucks back.
After a short couple years of this Utah could be right up there with the best in general public land units, providing good opportunity at trophy class animals year after year.
I did hunt Colorado when they had their 3pt restriction, did not help them. I know it hurt but reduce the pressure and tags are the only way to increase population. If they want a trophy area, they need to restrict the hunt to 4pt; afterwards have a management season to take the older 2&3 pts. It will be a lot of work and several years before the results are seen
Fact is however the bucks still don't have much more chance of getting trophy size. Instead of a lot of forks being harvested, they will be 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 still not enough years to reach trophy size.