Antlerless Question

I'm sure someone out there will know the answer to this question: If a person draws or purchases an antlerless tag for elk or deer and during the general archery season while hunting in the same area that his/her antlerless tag is for, has an opportunity to fill the antlerless tag can he/she fill the tag? I think the DWR use to allow this option but not sure if it's still legal. Oh, by the way this question is for Utah only.
Thanks in advance for your help....sharpstick
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It is my understanding that as long as the area and the dates jive then you can hunt for both sexes during the same time. Given you have the right tags for each. This year I will be doing quite a bit of hunting in the Wastach Front with a general buck and elk. And since the season dates are the same and in the Wasatch Front you can take either sex for both tags, I'll be able to take one buck or doe, and one cow or bull all in the same hunt. Pretty sweet deal.

I just re-read that in the proclamation and that is my understanding, hope this helps with your situation.

Enjoy the hunt!
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Best bet would be to ask the DWR. Good Luck :thumb
Hey Bowtech43

Just a quick FYI.... I just looked up in the Utah proclamation page 23 Extended Wasatch archery Deer hunt. Bucks 9-13 to 11-30 and then the antlerless opens 12-1 to 12-15

The Elk are hunters choice through out the whole hunt both opening and extended. :thumb
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Here it is straight from the proc page 23.

"If you obtain a general archery buck deer permit, you may use archery equipment to take one buck deer in any general hunt area in Utah, or a deer of either sex within the Wasatch Front or the Uintah Basin extended archery areas from August 16–September 12....In the Wasatch Front and Uintah Basin extended archery areas, you may use archery equipment to take a deer of either sex from September 13–November 30. From December 1–December 15, only antlerless deer may be taken."

So, any sex from 8/16 - 11/30 and doe only from 12/1 - 12/15. The same applies to the elk hunt but the nice thing about the Wasatch is it's any bull and you can hunt them until 12/15.

Anyway, I can't wait. Only 4 more weeks! !!! =D>
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pg 15 of antlerless proc.

Additional opportunity
There is some fl exibility if you are an antlerless
deer permit holder who has also drawn one of the
following permits:
• General archery buck deer
• General muzzleloader buck deer
• Limited entry archery buck deer
• Limited entry muzzleloader buck deer
If your buck deer permit and antlerless deer
permit are for the same area—and you use the
appropriate archery or muzzleloader equipment
specifi ed for your current hunting season—you
may use your antlerless permit during the buck
deer season. However, you may not use your buck
deer permit during the antlerless season.

Same thing goes for antlerless elk I just didn't feel like typing it.
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Well done Yak4fish. :thumb
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Thanks everyone for the comments and information. I know I could have called the DWR but the dialog is good and besides perhaps it'll help someone else with the same question in mind. It also gets us all stoked for the upcoming hunts. Thanks again...good huntin!
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Good luck sharpstick!