Any Advice

HI guys,

I have enjoyed reading the posts on this forum and thought I would finally register and ask a simple question. I drew my first antelope tag for Southern Utah and was wondering if any of you have any advice for a first time antelope hunter? It is a rifle hunt down around Lake Powell, I have driven around the area a little and have seen some nice antelope, but I was wondering what pearls of wisdom all you experienced antelope hunters have for a novice. Any help woud be greatly appriciated. I have always wanted to hunt antelope and will be taking my longest vacation in 10 years for this hunt :)) so I want to make the most of it. Thanks in advance for your help.

First off, ::wel and glad you registered. You should have a blast hunting Antelope. I'm not familiar with your area, sorry about that.

But honestly the toughest part will likely be competing with other hunters for the best/biggest Antelope. At least that has been my experience.

How many tags are available for your area? Once you locate a good buck, he will be with his herd usually opening day/morning.

Obviously scouting is going to be KEY. They will be moving a TON between now and then and cover lots of ground. But the buck of your choice should have a few does come hunting time.

Hopefully someone down there or who has hunted your area can chime in a bit more.
J_Dub1, Welcome to Muleymadness. I can' t help ya on the speedgoat...never hunted em before. I just wanted to take a moment to say "hey" and welcome you to the "family".

Good luck on the upcoming hunt!
Snake River Marksman
If you go back to this post:

You'll see two article length posts that I put in there about last years antelope seasons. You may be able to pick up some tidbits out of there.

Also this article here:

May have a tip or two that would be worth your time. If all that leaves you with more questions than answers, ask again and I'll try and do better.
J_Dub1, ::wel to Muley Madness.

My suggestion would be........If that area is hunted pretty hard, I'd find the buck you want before the season starts. Locate him again the night before opener. Early the next morning, before it gets light, go to where you put him to bed the night before and you should find him in the vacinity at first light and hopefully you'll get the first crack at him.
My advice was going to be exactly what Hiker said! They don't tend to move much in the dark.
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Thanks for all the advice. You guys sound like you know what you are talking about. I look forward to using your advice. The unit I will be hunitng is about 70 mile across north to soutn and 70 mile across east to west with 20 permits. Should be a great hunt. Again thanks for the advice.

Good luck J_Dub1!!!! Keep us posted and let us know how it turns out.
J-Dub1, Welcome. Great draw! 20 tags for that big an area :thumb

I don't know the area. Hunting pressure shouldn't be bad unless the Antelope only use a small part.

I like to find a area that I know the Antelope use, and walk, keeping low and glassing, spotting and stalking. Get at least a couple miles away from a road or trail. Good Luck.