Any Angels fans out there?

What a game this has been! Great comeback in the 9th. Lets finish them off Angels!
Swept the Red Sox! Go Angels, Heck of a game!
Angels fan???.....since the 60's. Went to about 8 games this year with the wife and kids. They've sure been through a lot this year......glad they advanced and put a woopin on the RedSux. Looks like it's playing out for another Angels vs. Yankees playoff.
Ha, glad to hear it BOHNTR. Living near Salt Lake I used to always love going to Bees games and watching players develop and make it big, and seeing big names come down to AAA to rehabilitate or whatever the case may be. I didn't think I was going to be able to this year at all but I lucked out at made it to Cali twice myself. Lets hope for a strong series against those Yankees =D>
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I'm a Sox fan from NJ, congrats to the Angels, they played harder and wanted it more. I think they'll give the Yankees a much better fight than the Sox would have anyway. Good luck Angels fans, Ill be rooting right along with you.
I hope they bury the Yankees. It was a great series against the Red Sox. Its nice to get that monkey off our backs.
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I'm calling a cross town World Series. Angels, Dodgers. I can't wait till Friday so I can actually watch some of the playoffs.
"JBird" wrote:I'm calling a cross town World Series. Angels, Dodgers. I can't wait till Friday so I can actually watch some of the playoffs.
An all L.A. series would be awesome.
jerseyelknut, I'm impressed by your post. Good sportsmanship man; Most all sox fans I've met have been beligerant as all hell! (which lead to me hating Boston as much as I do). It's good to know their not all that way.

Angels-Yanks should be a good series, I'm looking forward to it!
These games are awesome and killin me at the same time! Finally, the Angels got it going. :thumb GO ANGELS!
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Thanks houndhunter, I tend to be nastier towards Yankee fans, but that's because I am surrounded by them and they are usually quite beligerant, other than that, I give credit where it's due. I really am pulling for the Angels, they sparked a little last night, hopefully they can keep it up.