Any body draw Vernon Ut. tag?

I was just curious if anyone drew this tag this year. If so what season? And if so, what have you seen out there so far this year? I had the rifle tag last year and had a blast and was just curious if there were any other lucky people that drew this unit.
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ya i drew this year, took 11 points. i have been out there quite a few times. the last time was the best for spotting the big ones. it got kinda slow on seeing the big ones but my confidents has been restored. how did you do out there. i know the area pretty good. any pointers would be great. what area did you get your buck, how about a pic. thanks
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I am excited for you, and jealous of you at the same time. Your hunt is a great one. That area holds such great opportunity and there are many deer out there that were bigger than the one that I shot. They do become very scarse arount the time you will be hunting them but you have to just stay dedicated and dont loose confidence in the area. They are there you just actually have to hunt them. I am at work right now and Ill post up a pic of my deer when i get home, if i can figure out the picture thing here. I actually just got him back from the taxidermist last month. I wish i could be out there this year also!
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Here is one of the mount.....
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that is a good looking buck you have there. i have been seeing some big ones out behind the resevoir. i think with the later hunt this will be a good year to have this tag. seen lots of big bucks out there during the rut. hopefully they will still be in there. about what area did you get that one. thanks for the info.
Good looking buck you got there! My wife and I have been putting in for that unit since it's pretty close but haven't had any luck yet. I have seen lots of pics of bucks from out there and there are some bruisers out there. Last year I saw one of the biggest bucks I have ever seen from out there. One of my friends got a picture of him but not sure what area he was at. Best of luck and hope you get a big one!
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thats the only reason i put in for that one too. i could have drawn a good chunk of the oters too. it took 11 points for me[ the odds get worse and worse every year] to draw. my little brother also drew this year with 11 points. my friend drew archery 2 years ago and shot a 27 inch 4 point the first 15 min of the hunt. he knows it pretty good too. i sure hope all that poaching has not had to big of an impact on the herd out there.
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once the hunt starts out there you will have to get as far away from the roads as you can to find anything with size to it....and that is where they will be before the hunt starts anyway. If you have been seeing some big bucks out on the front of the sheeprocks then keep an eye on them. There is definately more road access on the fronts of the sheeprocks though. Have you scouted the simpsons yet? what about the back side of the sheeprocks? In those areas the deer are very hard to find....but they are there. The one I shot was just a tad over 32 inches wide and there were some others out there that were bigger than that. Scout, scout, scout. Follow up on every lead you get and keep your eyes and ears open to anyone and every one that will talk. Know the area so that when people talk you know where they are talking. if you can find some cow pokes out there, talk them up. You said you have a friend that knows that area very well, use him as much as you can. If all else fails, dont give up. I spent alot of money and a huge amount of time scouting this area and with only one season out there under my belt feel pretty good about it. What size of deer are you after and what are your shooter criteria for this area? what kind of buck do you expect you will walk away with?
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i appreciate all the comments. i have been on tha back side of the sheeprocks and seen a few earlier in the past seasons.have not been out in the simpsons recently. i think the next time i'm out there thats where i'll be heading. i think a lot of the bucks i've been seeing won't be in the same areas they are now. i have heard a lot of the bigger ones might be out torwards the simpsons end the back side to. as far as the size of deer i will take i'm not sure. i won't be coming home with anything under 24 in. and will have to be a 4 point. a tall one would work for me too. i know the tall bucks are pretty common out there. would you say quite a few head out to the simpsons and on the back side? do they head out to the sage brush flats east of the resivoire? it could get interesting trying to find them if we get a big storm too. i plan on really stepping up my scouting here in the next month too. i have been trying to get out there at least once a week to. i was also going to look in the walk in accsess only area too, there is no roads in there so that could be really good also. thanks.