any body use a Burris spotter??

I have a Burris scope that i really like. I would like to hear from somebody with a spotting scope.
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I have all burris optics from scopes bino's and spotting scope. The spotting scope for the money is pretty good, but i'm much more a fan of thier scopes and binos. I think I have finally convinced myself that the next spotting scope i purchase will be a swarovski. I can't afford one but i'm going to save up and do without until i can afford it. They are so far superior to the competition. In optics I have found that price is a great indicator of quality.
Don't know if that helps you or not
I too have the scopes and spotting scopes and love all of them.

I have the 12x24x50 and also the 20x60x80. The later one is awesome you can see for miles but if the wind is blowing is shakes alot because it is so big. as for the smaller one fits great in my pack!!