Any bull unit success, first bull

Well don't have alot of time to go into detail but will say that I put in for Panguitch as usual, didn't draw, bought an any bull tag again and it finally paid off. Got up there thursday and set up camp. Went and scouted Fri and saw a spike with 4 cows and around 10 unknowns (they were facing away from us on top of a ridge and took off). Now I have been up there scouting well before the hunt just in case and saw 3 spikes, 2 cows, 2 calfs and a decent branch bull so I wasn't expecting anything big but knew the elk were there. Opening morning came and I saw nothing. My buddy saw 2 spikes but could not get a shot and then I ended up picking them up on the wheeler and saw a good branch bull but he was on the move in thick timber. That was Saturday. Hunted hard, hiked alot and covered alot of ground.. Wed morning I found myself on a good 4 wheeler trail and came on a good area that looked worthy of getting off and hiking down about 50 yards and blow my cow call. (It is a really good saddle with 3 draws that go down into eachother). What do I hear a bugle from the bottom of this canyon. I thought that has to be a really good hunter that knows how to bugle really good or a big bull maybe. I walked back up to the wheeler and took the key out and grabbed my pack beause I thought I would have to go down for a hike into this canyon. Got back down 50 yards from the wheeler and blew it again and heard the loudest bugle I have ever heard just below me and looked to my surprise was a big 6 by 6 below me about 90 yards. I blew the call 1 more time to get him to stop perfectly broadside and took the shot down he went. Out of 6 tags for the any bull unit I ended up filling the only 1 unfortunately but he made all that work worth it and here he is.....
Awesome work, you da man! Those aren't easy tags/hunts. Very cool.
Thank you. It can be very frustrating hunting for elk on Cedar Mountain as you probably know there are few elk and so many hunters. Thanks
Yep, people everywhere. You did REALLY well, I'm impressed.
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"Curtisshootsdeer" wrote:awesome
Thank you all. Sorry I was on the road in Colorado. Did I mention that this is my first bull and I am still on cloud nine. I can't wait til late spring/early summer to get it back from the taxidermist. I do feel really lucky. I heard there was a 6 by 7 taken just back in further than where I got mine and a 5 by 4 taken in websters flat so thats only 3 bulls I knew were taken on Cedar Mountain. I just can't wait to get to the point where I would pass on this bull "because I'm looking for a 350-400 bull". I couldn't even imagine. Just like Derekp1999 said in his post I became "hero status" at home. My 17 year old daughter told me before the hunt "Dad, This is your year I know it". Felt good when she got to camp and came running towards me for a big hug. And most of all my Dad told me "Son, I have hunted 26 years and have never been able to get a shot at a 6 by or let alone call one in(he never used a call) and you did it". He hunted Bookcliffs area alot before it became hard to draw out for and got some nice spikes and a 2 by 2. My uncles passed earlier this year whom I grew up hunting with and I truly believe they might have had something to do with it or I was in the right place at the right time and this bull luckily was still talking. Thank you all and just out of curiousness what do you think he would score?
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Sweet bull. I saw a ton of elk up there on the bow hunt, way more than I have seen in the past. That's a great bull and it is a hard hunt, even though I've seen a lot of success this year. I had two buddies tag out also, one was probably pretty close to where you killed yours. Both were respectable bulls but yours is the best I've seen. Good work, I wouldn't doubt he pushes the 300" mark.
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That is a Great Bull. Good job.
Thank you and if he does make the 300" that is all the better but to be able to take my first bull to the taxidermist I have no complaints. I really just wanted elk meat in the freezer and would've shot a spike in a heartbeat. Tough, tough unit because it is so thick and there are not that many vantage points where you can glass from atop a ridge unless you are in Websters flat area. I was closer to Swains Creek/Strawberry point where it is ungodly thick country. Until next year....(Thank god for shed huntin, less work after you find em)
Good looking bull.......especially for that area. You did well!
Congrats, that is a great looking general bull.
So awesome man! Huge congrats! For a general season bull that's impressive to say the least, for a general season bull AND your FIRST ELK, that's unreal!! Well done man, that's too cool.
Thank you thank you. I was just in awe when he appeared out of that draw. I was not expecting a 6 by 6 in that area but I guess you never know. I was on and there was a guy that got an even bigger 6 by 6 in that area too. He is actually the guy that came up hiking to me after I shot mine. But yes, I am stoked that I got one that I can get mounted. This sucks that I can't have it until late spring/early summer but it will be worth the wait. I can't wait til next year although if I woulda started out with a spike there is alot of room to go up/bigger and now that I got a 6 by 6 hmmm. I just wanted meat in the freezer I enjoy elk meat so much more than deer. It has been way too long. So the Taxidermist said he was going to measure it and call me but hasn't yet any idea what he would score? Does he make the 300" mark ya think? Thanks again
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i wish i could get drawn it makes me feel jealous
So my taxidermist finally got around to measuring him and scored him at 317. Can't be more excited for my first bull to score that.
Cool stuff again, look forward to the TAXI pics.
I will for sure post pic when I get him back from Taxi. This is like being a kid waiting for Christmas. I know it takes time and I can't wait to have him on the wall (he will have to go in the master bedroom for now it's the only room in the house with vaulted ceilings) hope the wifey don't get creeped out.
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Thats a good looking bull! 10sign:
Got my bull back from the taxi
don't know why it turned the last 2 pics sideways
Very cool, thanks for sharing your taxi pics. Not sure why those are sideways either? That's still really cool you got him on any bull unit and first. :thumb :thumb
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Wow.. Killer Bull! That's huge man, Congrats!
Thank you one in a million there. Got my wife an any bull tag this year and I have mine so I'm gonna see if I can't get her a nice bull for her first. Been up there slit already and can't believe how thick it is now. Lots of rain has made the burn area grow so much since last year. Hopes are high and anticipation is killing me but I'm patiently waiting. At least I have a bull on my wall to look at for inspiration lol
great bull congrats on the success =D> Good luck this year, I hope to see you tag another bull
Me too. I'm stoked. Got my wife into hunter safety so we got her an any bull tag. Also got my son into it and we both drew Zion deer. It's getting closer and closer. Good luck to you as well
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Congratulations on a great bull! This is my first year with an archery tag and my plans have been thwarted by family health issues but I am hoping to have a few chances to get out. I would be thrilled to shoot a bull like yours but if I get the chance I will shoot the first legal elk I see whether it is a bull or cow to get some meat in the freezer.
Well I wish I could say that there was a repeat to last year but I cant. They weren't responding to cow calls although I did get one to bugle back to me when I used the bugle then 5 or 6 coyotes began to howl and messed it up. We did see some bulls (actually luckily they crossed the road in front of us) but no time to shoot. I snuck to within 50 yards of 4 cows and a calf but no bull with them. It wasn't a total loss as my good friend Ben harvested a nice 6 by 6 which was his first bull so it was a good trip. Took him to the same taxi I did and raw score was 289 but still that is is a dang good first bull. I still look at mine on my wall and anticipate the day I harvest another 1. All in all it was worth the $50 to go. Plenty of hiking and 4 wheeling lost my bugle out there somewhere saw some cows and bulls so no regrets. Congrats to all who filled their tags. Til next year...,wait til spring less work picking up sheds right. Oh my wife had other obligations so I could only get her out there for a couple hours and saw nothing but she had a good time for that few hours