Any gun nuts in here? I need info.

So there's three new guns I had planned on buying this year, well with Obama in office I'm kind of rushed to buy them being as their all semi-auto. The 1 I had question about was the Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM II Carbine in Urban camo. Honestly I don't know much about this gun, I never ended up buying my AR-15 last year (or they year before) so this would be my only true "tactical" weapon I have. Honestly the only reason i'm interested in it is cause it's different (everyone has an AR-15 these days) and also I think it looks freakin' sweet. $2,000.00 though and I can't find a source I can trust that's done a review on the weapon at all. So, does anyone know anything about this gun? Ever shot one possibly? I understand it's kind of different so i'm not expecting a lot of replies here, but I just think their cool. I'm sure its a big waste of money.. Probably about $700+ overpriced, but I never bought the AR so it would be my only tactical weapon. K, I'm just thinking out loud now, trying to talk myself into buying it I guess #-o ... Any insight? The way I see it I might as well now cause I wont be able to buy ANY next year :>/

P.S. is it true there's already been a %25 increase on "black guns" already?
Dont be one of the sheeple,it would take a very long period of time for any legal gun bans to take place,the only increase in price has been put in place by gun dealers taking advantage of the sheeple...most of them dont have a need or want for a gun,they just want to get one because of the rumors and willpay anything to get it.
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I own few weapons and they are simple and rugged. I know how to use them and know how to draw you into a fight to make yours ineffective and mine effective. So I guess they are tactical weapons. The best thing you can do is learn how to fight. Practice with what you have and get good with it. Not buy the latest in "tactical weaponry". They are overpriced because everyone thinks that if they have one they will be victorious. You can't spend enough money to overcome someone with good training. That's why all the technology in the world can't make a dent in Afganistan. The Russians couldn't do much either.
"NONYA" wrote:Dont be one of the sheeple,it would take a very long period of time for any legal gun bans to take place,the only increase in price has been put in place by gun dealers taking advantage of the sheeple...most of them dont have a need or want for a gun,they just want to get one because of the rumors and willpay anything to get it.
i agree 100%
but what is a "SHEEPLE"?
worried and scared like ba ba sheep im Thats how ive heard it before.
sheeple = A group of herd following people who refuse to think for themselves,believe every rumor they hear and run away from reality when faced with it.Ill bet i could do a whole lot more damage with one of my hunting rifles than anyone could do with that socom in the field.
I think i've confused you with my intentions concerning this gun. I don't plan on this weapon being a primary (or even secondary) weapon for home (or any other location for that matter) defense. I've got my brand new XDm for that, and a 1911 as soon as I get 3 more paychecks (unless I decide not to buy this SOCOM now, then i'll get the 1911 immediately... maybe even customize it and spend (not waste) my money on a pistol I previously thought I could only dream about [-o< .

Anyways, I understand a certain weapon isn't going to win an actual gunfight. In fact anybody who would buy into a statement like that has got to be a bigger fool than I thought existed (so long as you keep is realistic and don't think about some single shot .22 vs. my 9mil 19+1 XDm)

So. Can I get some opinions on this gun? Say you're me, a young kid (2 weeks shy of 20 years old). You're living comfortably with a set paycheck every 2 weeks, you're getting a raise next month, you're military (meaning food, housing, medical, dental, etc... is already paid for), No car payments or anything and half your paychecks are already being put into savings/retirement funds but you still have enough to buy the weapon. Who thinks they would do it? Why or why not? Would you go with a different fun gun instead of this one? (I already have enough of the hunting style rifles. pistols,sure i'm open to buying some more if someone has a good suggestion :) ) Any insight?
Well Bro this is just a personal opinnion. I have an AR-15 M-4 style the kind I carry in Combat. I considered a lot of tactical weapons but went with thte AR. First off if you go with the right company you can get a lifetime warranty and no have to worry about paying for something if it breaks. Also parts for AR's are so much more readily available and cheaper than other weapons. Plus while you are out shooting it you are actually enhancing your skill with what may save your life one day. That is just my personal oppinion from one Marine to another. I understand your sittuation and I would go ahead and get a tactical weapon if you have no need for a hunting rifle.
I appreciate the input Sgt. - Honestly. As dumb as it sounds I never even took into consideration your statement.
Plus while you are out shooting it you are actually enhancing your skill with what may save your life one day.
You make a great point there! Such an obvious principle, I guess I've just been having a three year brain fart?

I've wanted to get an AR for quite some time now and I think you gave me reason enough to motivate myself to do it. Thanks
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In my opinion, I don't think you would go wrong with either rifle. From what I've read, the socom is a very reliable and accurate rifle. The .308 caliber is big enough for big game hunting and can be loaded to hunt predators or varmints. I think the springfield is a more versatile rifle and would make a good home defense rifle. On the other hand, AR's are very accurate and Sneekepete made a great point. I think either choice you make would be a good one. I would like to own one of each, the AR chambered in .204 Ruger. Good luck with your decision. Thank all of you for your service to our country.
"fonzy6284" wrote:I would like to own one of each
No kidding, right? Had I not opened up that stupid Roth IRA and maxed it out for the '08 year I would own both, and a new Kimber 1911. Because of that decision though, I'm waiting anxiously for each paycheck (and my tax return) waiting, and waiting, and waiting, until I have enough saved to feel comfortable about getting them all. haha. Unfortunately it's taking FOREVER!

Thanks for the input though fonzy6284
From what I have read, the SOCOM is basically a short barreled semi-auto version of the M14. I don't have any personal experience with it. I do, however, have an AR15 and am very satisfied with it. If I were in your financial situation, I would be buying as many guns of every type that I could afford, with as much ammo as I could to go with them. My advise would be to buy the gun, and use it as much as you like for whatever reasons you can come up with. If you don't like it, some one will be happy to take it off of your hands.