Any houndsman??

I am doin a school report on walker hounds and I need some information about them. (where they came from, all the things they can hunt, ) I just need some information it would help alot thanks. so start postin!!!!

The Treeing Walker Coonhound has powerful, mobile shoulders. The ears are large compared to the head. The upper lips hang well below the lower jaw. The forelegs are long, straight and lean. The smooth coat is fine and glossy and comes in a tri-color and a bi-color pattern. (Tri-color is preferred by breeders.) Although they come in tan and white, they must never be called "red," to distinguish them from the Redbone Coonhound.


The Treeing Coonhound is good with children and gets along with other dogs. Training is accomplished with little trouble, as these dogs are able to learn from example. They are primarily working and hunting dogs but will also make a great companion dog. Working, to the Treeing Walker Coonhound, is not work but a sport and diversion. They thrive on consistent and ample attention. High-strung but loving and eager to please, the Treeing Walker is intelligent, skilled and confident. Some say they are the best breed for coonhound field trials because of their speed, ability to locate quickly and good treeing ability. They are swift with a very good sense of smell and a distinctive howl. Socialize at a young age.

Height, Weight

Height: 20-27 inches (51-69 cm.)
Weight: 50-70 pounds (23-32 kg.)

Health Problems

A relatively healthy breed.

Living Conditions

The Treeing Walker Coonhound is not recommended for apartment life. These scenthounds are too anxious to lie idly around a suburban home or condo. They are suitable for hot sunny climates.


This very anxious and energetic dog has been bred for severe physical exercise. Coonhounds are born natural hunters, so they have a tendency to run off and hunt if they are not kept well-fenced while exercising on their own. They have no road sense at all, so they must be kept in a safe environment.

Life Expectancy

About 12-13 years.


The Treeing is an easy care breed. An occasional combing and brushing is all that is needed. Check the ears regularly for any sign of infection and be sure to keep the inside of the ears clean. Bathe only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.


The Treeing Walker is a descendant of the English Foxhound, which Thomas Walker imported to Virginia in 1742. Sometime in the 1800's, a dog known as "Tennessee Lead," a stolen dog of unknown origin, was crossed into the Walker Hound. He was a powerful dog, excelling in game sense, drive and speed, and having a clear, short-chop mouth. The Treeing Walker was not recognized as its own breed until 1946. This direct lineage brings us this efficient hunter. This coonhound has retained the looks of its ancestors, the English Foxhound. An underlying sense of game coupled with untiring speed and manly drive makes this coonhound unstoppable. The coonhound lineage doesn't really stop at the Walker, for American hunters also employ other varieties as well. One such coonhound is known as the Running Walker. The Treeing Walker Coonhound is an efficient and reliable hunter of raccoons, squirrels, and possums. The Treeing Walker "trees" its prey, and can then sometimes virtually climb the tree to get at it. With a little training, however, it will merely bay its distinctive howl, telling the hunter that the prey has been cornered.




wow chet you found that fast
Thanks alot chet that'll be useful. I appreciate it.
hey no problem..... google does wonders
ya i found some more off google.
Well i'm not really sure what I could say that Chet didn't already share. That was some pretty good info. haha. But I guess since you say you're doin a report you could write up something about how even the classic houndsmen loved this breed. Obe Cory wrote (I think in his book "The Lionhounds") about how if he ever had to narrow down and choose an all time favorite breed that it would be a competition hunting walker hound. He was very strict never to be closed minded to any breed but said that IN HIS OPINION Walkers seem to produce most consistently. Some of Obes favorite characteristics in Walkers were that they were generally the fastest breed out there and he found that his would stay treed very loyaly for many hours.

Good luck on the report, share it when it's all ready to hand in

Oh, and if you have any more questions feel free and PM Chet :thumb
I finally got my report done. so here is a copy of it. I hope you enjoy it.

Walker hounds

I’m going to start writing about the origins of a Walker. This type of hound was descended from the English Foxhound. It was originated from a stolen dog named the “Tennessee Lead”; then was crossed into the walker hound. There are two types of walkers: the treeing walker, which are more common and known for their good ability for treeing, and the running walker, which is known for their speed and sense of smell. There are Walkers that are half running and half treeing which gives them both abilities. There are dogs that have cold noses, warm noses, and both. Hounds with cold noses are usually only able to hunt in snow, hounds with warm noses can only hunt in warm weather and dry ground, and the hounds with both abilities are the probably the best to have because they can usually hunt a lot better and can hunt all year. The problem is if they are a real good dog then they are pretty expensive, they can be anywhere from about $1500 to $4000 possibly more.
These hounds will hunt rabbit, fox, raccoon, but are known mostly for hunting mountain lions, bobcats and bear.
Walkers are really good with children, gentle, loving, intelligent, and confident. They are easy to train with no trouble. They should be kept in a yard with a fence that is at least six feet tall or kept on a chain.
Walkers will stand between 20 and 27 inches tall at their withers which are the front shoulders. Walkers can weigh anywhere from 50 to 70 pounds. They can be bicolor or tricolor, They can be a combination of black, white, and tan. The tan sort of looks red but is not known to be red so that they aren’t mixed up as a Red- bone, which is another type of breed. Their shoulders are very powerful, their legs are straight, lean and well muscled. Their ears are large compared to the head. Walkers should be groomed often; they need ears checked and cleaned so they get no infections. Oh and I forgot to say these dogs can live from 12 -13 years.
Now people use all kinds of dog food but if you want to keep your dog healthy the main ingredient should always be meat. Walkers need a high protein food. Anything without that isn’t going to be very good. I have 8 hounds and we feed ours Purina High Pro which has those ingredients.
My dogs are well trained except for a few. Now most of the things I have talked about are true, but some aren’t. For example, some of my dogs are really hyper and howl a lot.
WE use our dogs for hunting bobcats and mountain lions. Here in Nevada you can hunt all year round because not enough people hunt them. All we hunt are Walkers, we have never really had any problem with them. I know some people think that Walkers are hard headed and worthless, but I disagree. I think all it takes is proper training. You don’t really have to train most hounds if you have older mature dogs because the younger ones will learn from the older ones.
If a hound was to have a health problem, which is very uncommon, it would probably be one of these hip displaysia, ectropian, or hemophilia.
If you are going to get a hound you need to know what kind of dogs they are so here is some more information. Hounds are medium to large and about as athletic as you will get. They have a short easy-care coat, love to work, and hunt in the outdoors.
Here are some things you might want to think about. If you don’t like vigorous exercise requirements, rowdiness especially when young, destructiveness when bored, stubbornness, LOUD baying or howling, or shedding and a houndy odor you might not want to get a hound. If you get an adult hound it would probably better than a puppy because an adult is already trained and they aren’t as bad as youngsters.
If you are going to hunt walkers or any kind of hounds you want to keep them exercised, fed plenty, and have plenty of water when hot. You should feed your dogs at least 2 times a day so they stay fat and not skinny to where their bones are showing.
This is about all I can tell you about walker hounds. I really hope that this information will help anybody that has or is thinking about getting a hound.
Try this forum

They can help you out even more. Bunch of good guys over there.
some day I want to get some dogs and start running some cats.