any houndsmen out there?
11/27/06 7:13pm
Lets see some pics guys! its Startin up! this weekend should be lookin pretty good! i've been playin with coons lately so no cool pics of lions or bobs yet - so im depending on all you real houndsmen who know what your doin to keep me happy - post em up!
(probably aren't too many if any on this site - just thought i'd post up and see)
(probably aren't too many if any on this site - just thought i'd post up and see)
Not mine, but they don't live to far from me. Had my student bring it to school today.
question; am I allowed to post pics on here that I dont know who took or where i got from? I just have a small folder of cool hound pics ive ran into on the internet from different sites.. dont wanna get in any trouble though.
awesome pics though, all you guys!!! SHOW ME SOME MORE!!
when i get a minute ill post a few of mine from last season (if youve been here long youve already seen em i think.. but oh well i guess)
killerbee and MM - great pics though! those are awesome!
I've accualy got a couple pics on here that are from that exact same hunt, just different angles.. I'm sure Brett was given those as well so i'll let him post em as mine lack some quality cause i had to blow em up (when I got em they were really small for whatever reason).
Here is the link to the other pics I just added. Some awesome pics.
Wanted to make a new thread, due to the amount of pictures and time it will take to load them all.
If you don't know where you got them, I would suggest you not post them if you can't give credit where credit is due.
you seemed to have known where I got some of these pics from, so thanks for posting the website. As for anything else goes, its nice of you to try and look out for another sportsman and all - but i'm gonna continue posting pics regardless if i know where i got em or not, so long as i havent been told not to by a copyright or through an e-mail sent by the owner with the pics. I figure it does no harm to share photos on here that have to do with the outdoors, regardless of who took em. however if this really gets to you for some weird reason of your own then i dont care, i'll delete em. just ask and their gone. but for now they stay for anyone to see and enjoy.