any ideas on displaying a set of sheds?

I have a nice 11 point whitetail set I found and Id like to display them standing up but would rather not drill holes in them. Any ideas or pics? thanks Barry" alt="" />
Looks good to me just like that. Nice set friend.
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thanks, Im just running out of room on my shelves and they would take up alot less room that way. Plus I think they would look neat if they were standing.
burdman, you ever think about trying a euro mount with them? We have a member here that makes them for that specific reason and they look just like an authentic skull. You can always buy them online from various other locations but I'll always pimp our member's products first =D>
If you have some small sheds, you could drill the small ones and screw them onto a nice board with the forks up. Then you could rest that nice set nestled in the small forks of a lesser set. Just an idea, but I think it could turn out really cool.
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thanks for the ideas, I'll check out the euro skulls.