Any Info on this buck
9/21/07 8:59am
Wondering if anybody has any information on this buck I received the pictures with nothing just the pictures. And Wow is it ever a huge deer.
Never seen those pics, UNREAL!!
Holy crap!
Awesome buck.
His little friend almost looks like a pronghorn!
Yep thats where I would say
then my wife said "wake up" zzz your mumbling ; :)) :)) :))
WOW!!! I'd crawl on my hands and knees a mile to get close to that one.(you would probly have too , Great pics
Anybody else seeing what I'm seeing?
I took both photos and circled the tines that I used to compare. The high eye guard, a kicker on either antler, the forks on the "whitetail" lookin' side of the buck, and the three points on the end of the same antler.
Take a look and tell me what ya think.
I've been doing my normal scrounging around trying to find info on this buck but nothing yet. I HAVE found some references to some huge non-typicals in that general area but they are just pics. Therefore I cannot confirm that they are speaking about the same animal.
Thanks. :thumb
I agree, he's the same buck.
Can't say for sure if they are the same deer.
the buck is hard horned in the pictures there but is still alive the pic were in rawling wyoming ant he a PIG :333