Any NW Montana Mule deer hunters out there
7/5/07 8:30pm
It's great for and virtually unexploited as far as mule deer hunters go.....I guess if it dont cross the road while in the truck it's to much work......But are there any besides me who hunt mulies from Trout Creek down to Plains and up north to 30 miles.....would like to discuss the type of bucks you are getting ......I average 150 and i know there one's a lot bigger putting out a trail cam in my honey hole to see the truth and what i'm missing
I personally haven't hunted NW MT yet but I hunted elk outside of Gardiner last year and saw one that would have been a 150-160 buck. We hunted deer over by Broadus and killed 5 four pointers, the largest went 140-150. We really didn't see many larger bucks in that area.