Any of You Californians Near Rancho Cucamonga?

I was just curious if any of you had been into the new Bass Pro Shop store that opened a few weeks ago in Rancho Cucamonga, and if so what you thought of it? They asked for a cast of my antelope horns to put a mount in that store, but I have no idea if they did so or what type of mount/display they ended up using it for. They also wanted one for the Mesa, AZ store that opened a couple of months ago, and never told me what they had in mind for it either. I was very surprised at how nice of a display they did of it there. I had no expectations that they were going to do so much with it. I was just curious what they may have done with it in that store, since once I sent the horns I really never heard from them again. If any of you happen to go the and see it, I'd appreciate any info. or perhaps a photo.

Thanks! Marvin

I'll be there next week......I'll let you know if I see it and take a photo.
Thanks Roy, I'd appreciate it. I only sent the horns to the Mesa store about 60 days before it opened, because of problems with the taxidermist having time to cast it. I didn't even expect that they would have time to mount it, let alone life sized and do a nice display around it to boot! It's above the archery department counter in that store, but don't know where it might be in Rancho. Unlike Cabela's and many other outdoor stores, Bass Pro didn't put signs on any of the 100s of mounts in the entire store (not even showing species let alone hunter, score or kill location), with the exception of mine which has elaborate signage. I'm not sure how I got that lucky?! They have the B&C world record antelope and it's just a head mount stuck up high in a corner with no sign even telling what it is. Nobody would even notice it there, seems like a waste. Thanks again.

do you know if they have a replica of your speedgoat in the lehi cabelas. i havent noticed it when ive went
The Cabela's in Glendale, Arizona, on the western edge of Phoenix, has an unbelievable display of antelope all in one room. It's has a good sized room which is a museum of mounts (no merchandise for sale at all), a large percentage of which came from Arizona. Among other things they have probably a dozen of the largest antelope ever taken (almost all from AZ). Once I knew that Cabela's was doing that, I tried to contact their taxidermy buyer to see if they wanted to include my buck, and they never even returned my phone calls or emails. I have had a LOT of people ask me why mine isn't there, in such a great display of the Arizona bucks. Even though mine is larger than nearly all of those displayed, except for the two B&C world records, they have shown no interest in having it so there's not much I can do. Actually, even the few of those on display that I knew were high ranking bow kills, Cabela's didn't even make any note on them that they were taken with a bow. They even listed those arrowed bucks with a B&C or SCI score rather than their P&Y score (which would have at least shown that they were bow kills). Maybe they just don't like bowhunters? Since they won't even respond, I guess it won't ever likely be in a Cabela's store.

Couldn't find it in there.......I'll tell you what, I wasn't too impressed with Bass Pro. The mounts were not overly impressive....most were average bucks/bulls. The merchandise carried was limited at best. Give me a Cabelas ANYTIME.
Thanks Roy. I agree, I would prefer to go to a Cabela's too. Actually, although it's not the "show" of the other two, I'll take a Sportsman's Warehouse over either of them for the things I really need at the best prices.