Any one else sick of the spidy dead thread

Just wondering if anyone else is sick of the spidey dead thread? I am about this fonging close to locking it. Pro and NUNYA are sure stirring each others crap lately.
Yep VERY sick of it. Deleted the one thread and a bunch of posts in the other.

I'm a bit sick of Nunya's attitude and comments, PRO isn't a lot better.
Yep! Hopefully the men will get hunting and won't have as much time on the computer.
I'm a bit sick of Nunya's attitude and comments, PRO isn't a lot better.
Man, I'm sure glad I'm not the only one who has that feeling........thought I was getting too darn grumpy in my older age. :)
LOL....I see that he hasn't mellowed in the 9 months I was gone.

Man, some folks just puzzle me. Seems to be mad at the world....and everything he thinks, says, or does is gospel and everyone else's opinion is wrong.

Personally, I don't have time for that sort of stuff....too many other things to spend my time and energy on.