Any "Dedicated Hunters" out there?
3/7/08 11:15pm
I was reading today about Utah's "Dedicated Hunter" program. I just skimmed the info but it looks like a steal of a deal if you're a resident. 150 bucks, an online course, a couple days of volunteer conservation work and you've got a deer tag for anywhere in the state locked up for three years!! Did I read it wrong or is this really how it works? Any of you Utahians do this?
The only spin to this is you can only harvest 2 muleys in three years ether with a bow <--------) , muzzy, :333 or rifle :222 . It is a first come first serve with a cap of 10,000 and this year they meet that number. This is my third year and I was successful my first two years. So I called the DRW and opted out of my third year, which now I can go buy an over the counter archery tag and still hunt, but not all three hunts as a dedicated hunter dose. Next year I will be back in line to sign up for another three. =D>
oakbrush's what's for dinner. :thumb
Like others have stated, you can only shoot two deer in the three year program. After you have enrolled in the program you are required to complete a conservation course, 24 hours on approved service projects, and you have to attend a Regional Advisory Council meeting.
In return, you are able to choose the region you want to hunt during the general deer seasons with a guaranteed tag and you are also able to hunt all three seasons.(archery, muzzleloader,rifle) You are then required to mail your permit back to the DWR after the general deer seasons have ended if you didn't harvest a deer so they can keep track of how many deer you have harvested within the three year period. If you don't send your permit in by the deadline, a deer harvest will be counted. That's a simple explanation of the program.
I have attached a email correspondence I did with DWR'S / DH Chairperson Sue Robinson.
I repeat it for how I was told.
Subject: Re: dedicated hunter question
Thank you so much for the photo's, they are awesome. I am going to post
your photo's for sure.
Just curious, where and when did you take the archery deer? I never seen
anything like that at the deer checking station, just thought I would ask.
If you choose to opt out for your third year after two harvests, (most do)
you can do that and purchase a regular archery permit, however, it does not
leave a slot open for another DH. Once that cap was met, it closes the
enrollment process, no more permits can be issued. But thank you for your
generous thought, too bad there isn't a way that can happen.
No, being in the program for three years does not assure you a slot for future
enrollment. (maybe someday...)
If you have anymore questions, please let me know. Thanks for your
participation in the Dedicated Hunter program.
Sue Robinson
CRO Volunteer Coordinator
Dedicated Hunter Program
1115 North Main Street
Springville UT 84663
No that information is incorrect. Two deer in three years, that's it. A person who has drew out on a limited entry hunt or a CWMU hunt for the third year can hunt, but nobody can come in and buy any other deer permit. (excluding doe regulations)
Sue Robinson
CRO Volunteer Service Coordinator
Dedicated Hunter Program
1115 North Main Street
Springville UT 84663
(801) 491-5657 office
(801) 360-2278 cell
(801) 491-5646 fax
Seems like there's a double standard going on but oh well. Honestly Buuckmaster, good for you and congrats on two good bucks in the last two years. Looks like for the most part, people will not be able to do what you did.
In my opinion, the minute you took the second buck in year two you also made the decision to sit out in year three. That's the choice each of us makes in the program. Even if this "loop-hole" exists, I would hope that anyone would be honorable enough to stand by the original commitment they made. I'm not saying that you shouldn't go hunting. I just think your kids should be your total focus this year.
You seem like a really nice guy and I hope I didn't offend you with my comments. Regardless of what happens, good luck this year to you and your kids.