any recon for the bridger teton area in Wyoming?

Just checking to see if anyone has heard how the deer are doing in the bridger teton NF area. I know its a large area but have heard that it got pounded by snow and made it tough for the deer.

in this case, do you think it killed off some large mature deer? or did it affect the fawns and old deer? any info would be greatly appreciated..

Snake River Marksman
There was an article in this months Wyoming Wildlife that said the winter kill was high for this area this year. I saw two decent bucks from the highway last week.
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We spent a lot of time driving around Jackson back at the first of the month and only saw a handful of deer. One group of 3 or 4 bucks, would have to check pics, and a group of 6+ does. Only other deer we saw were in Gardiner out of a week of driving 12hrs a day.
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Lots of snow in the area this last winter, thus high fawn mortality. The bucks seemed to make it through okay. Hopefully it wasn't too tough on the does either and they can put out a good crop this year. My guess is the buck hunting should be down a little, but not so bad this year. The impact will be more apparent 3-5 years down the road.