Any Tips?
2/5/11 8:55pm
So I am just starting out on shed hunting and wondering if there are any tips anyone would have to maybe make the odds of finding some sheds this year go up a little. Cause I think I have done what I can to prepare by watching the deer and have the areas where they are hanging out figured out but still seems like I can't find anyeven though I hike my butt off. Not that I'm complaining about hiking cause it's still fun to be out and see wildlife. Just would be fun to find some sheds to take home! lol

2/5/11 9:59pm
Plan on hiking your behind off! You will find more the more ground you cover. Look for rubs and bedding spots. Places something could've knocked their horns off. And glass around areas looking for them on the ground. And dont blink :))

2/6/11 2:09am
i agree with camodup..but i have found alot in the bottom of washes and trails going along the side of them. and like said, be ready to hike your behind off! heck, half the time when I get frustrated, thats all i wanna say is.. " wow i hiked my butt off today, and didnt find anything!!" but suck it up, and you will be rewarded! :thumb

2/10/11 11:13am
Just keep pounding the hills. This sounds weird but I make a mental picture of a shed in my head while walking and anything that remotely looks like it I check out. Usually all you ever see is a tip or base. Keep looking, take ATLs and post the pictures good luck