Anybody Javelina hunting in Januuary?

Just curious how many "pig hunters" are headed out for New Years?

l drew out with a couple buddies and cant wait for the first of the year :thumb It will be there first time hunting anything, so it should be interesting.

Either way, you cant beat pig hunting, Javelina's are a blast to hunt.
im going in february! and yeah it is great I love hunting them!
:thumb tsum
Can you get an over the counter tag or is it draw?
I would love to give it a try :thumb
I'm pretty sure it is just a draw tag. But i could be wrong.
:-k tsum
tsum you put in?
"Buckmaster" wrote:Can you get an over the counter tag or is it draw?
I would love to give it a try :thumb
They have left over tags that are first come first serve. Here is the website if you are interested

Then just click on the second link left over 2010 Spring hunts
"bc.pse" wrote:tsum you put in?
Yeah i'm going to go to az in february. :)
I'm going, but I didn't draw my preferred unit. I drew my second choice, even though there were something like 400 tags left in my first choice at the time I was drawn. I wish they would fix a few of the bad spots in their drawing software... I drew turkey permit number 2, and got my second choice also! It's actually possible to get your second choice in AZ, and then have your first choice have left over tags when the drawing is complete!! I wouldn't have believed it if another hunter told me that, but I called the person in charge of the drawing at G&F and that fact was confirmed. That's messed up. ](*,)
My Javelina from last year!
"StickFlicker" wrote:I'm going, but I didn't draw my preferred unit. I drew my second choice, even though there were something like 400 tags left in my first choice at the time I was drawn. I wish they would fix a few of the bad spots in their drawing software... I drew turkey permit number 2, and got my second choice also! It's actually possible to get your second choice in AZ, and then have your first choice have left over tags when the drawing is complete!! I wouldn't have believed it if another hunter told me that, but I called the person in charge of the drawing at G&F and that fact was confirmed. That's messed up. ](*,)
That's amusing! If there are left over tags, how did you not get drawn? I suppose you can just go pick up an OTC tag in that area, right? Or are you out of the loop since you drew a tag?

We have somewhat similar issues here with drawings. There are usually 50 to 75 youth tags left over for an area for deer when the draw is over, but there are no adult tags remaining. So rather than convert the tags between the 3 draws (archery, muzzle loader, rifle) they just let them sit there and they never get used.

And by the way, that's a nice smelly slab of meat you have there.
No javy hunting......but I'll be chasing those desert muleys come the first of the year.
"StickFlicker" wrote:I'm going, but I didn't draw my preferred unit. I drew my second choice, even though there were something like 400 tags left in my first choice at the time I was drawn. I wish they would fix a few of the bad spots in their drawing software... I drew turkey permit number 2, and got my second choice also! It's actually possible to get your second choice in AZ, and then have your first choice have left over tags when the drawing is complete!! I wouldn't have believed it if another hunter told me that, but I called the person in charge of the drawing at G&F and that fact was confirmed. That's messed up. ](*,)
We were lucky to get the area we wanted.

What area is your first choice? Where abouts was this pig killed?
The thing that screws up the drawing is the "maximum point pool". Twenty percent of the permits in each hunt go to the people with the most bonus points. If a hunt has 400 permits, 80 go to those with the highest bonus points. So let's say that is your first choice, and you don't quite get drawn early enough to be in that 80, but almost. So you don't get "automatically" drawn in the max point pool for that unit, but perhaps your second choice has not filled it's 20% yet so you automatically get your second choice, even though there are 320 permits left in your first choice. Now lets say that only 300 people even applied for your first choice. Then there are 100 permits left over in your first choice, but you were stuck with your second choice because you were "lucky" enough to get drawn early. If you hadn't gotten drawn with a low enough number to bet in the max point pool of your second choice, you would have been guaranteed to get your first choice. That's messed up, but it happens and there's nothing you can do about it. :>/
"StickFlicker" wrote:The thing that screws up the drawing is the "maximum point pool". Twenty percent of the permits in each hunt go to the people with the most bonus points. If a hunt has 400 permits, 80 go to those with the highest bonus points. So let's say that is your first choice, and you don't quite get drawn early enough to be in that 80, but almost. So you don't get "automatically" drawn in the max point pool for that unit, but perhaps your second choice has not filled it's 20% yet so you automatically get your second choice, even though there are 320 permits left in your first choice. Now lets say that only 300 people even applied for your first choice. Then there are 100 permits left over in your first choice, but you were stuck with your second choice because you were "lucky" enough to get drawn early. If you hadn't gotten drawn with a low enough number to bet in the max point pool of your second choice, you would have been guaranteed to get your first choice. That's messed up, but it happens and there's nothing you can do about it. :>/
In the future you could apply for just the one preferred area on your app. Then if you dont draw for your first choice, you wont draw at all. Then you could go pick up an over the counter tag the area of your choice. That may work in the future :-k ...
That's pretty much what Game & Fish said, but you shouldn't have to forgo applying for all of your choices just because their software has a flaw in it! The people without any bonus points don't have to do that, why should the loyal people that have applied regularly, or not been drawn for some time, be punished? They are the ones the bonus point systems was supposedly designed to help!! (???)