Anyone Else Get Lucky?

I'm new here, so I don't know if anyone has asked this before. I'm originally from St. George, Utah and the Delta area. I was wondering if any of you Utah guys or gals drew out for anything? My whole family and friends didn't draw anything. In fact my dad has on only drawn twice in 7 years.

I'm going to buy a non resident tag. I put in for Muzzleloader everything for Nevada, except Desert Bighorn. Wish me luck!

Anyway, this seems like a nice place. I plan on trying to be a frequent poster.
The Ox
hey welcome to the site glad to have ya aboard there are some pretty good people on here and most if not all willing to help with what they can so dont be scared to ask just dont ask for there honeyhole

there is ahndful of guys on here that drew out on limited entry units.
i sure didnt i just got my archery deer tag good luck on your nevada draw
Good luck! 4c
GUTPYLZ, welcome to MULEYMADNESS and good luck on those Nevada draws. I still have to wait a while for my possible "X-mas present".
Hi, and welcome to the site.

I was lucky enough to draw a cow only tag down on the Herny Mountains.
Anybody draw out for Indiam Peaks Elk? I drew two cow tags there 4 years ago. Talk about some nice bulls out there. Seems like the 3's and 5's are always a little short though. I hunted Muley's out there and that was one of the toughest hunts that I had ever been on. First day of the hunt, didn't even see a doe. We did finally get into them, but thick stuff. Found an old Shed from a deer I feel died of old age. I will have to take a picture of it and share it with all you guys.

Here is me cleaning my wifes Cow! Thats love right there! lol" alt="" />
Tough to find the Mule Deer, but there are some good ones around.

Nice elk, I'm sure your wife appreciated that. :)
lifetime hunter
got the "UN" in front of my successful! for LE ELK (13 pts now) no for Buffalo (6pts) but I got my southern Rifle tag thru my lifetime license, good thing for that or I would never draw out & be able to hunt! #-o
I started drawing out more, when I went to Muzzleloader. Something to think about. They shoot pretty accurate, I was impressed.
The Ox
my uncle drew out on indian peaks bull elk this year bout time hes been putting in for 30 years (ever since it was opened for hunting) he has had a cow tag or two and yeah there are some great bulls up there just wish i could get them on the trail cam though
oh yeah and have yet to see a buck up there we run our cows up there and i hav eonyl see like 5 does in the last 6 or 7 years but i have seen quite a few tracks but we are usaully moving cows when im up there so that could be part of the reason but still i know there are alot there well at leat on our range. go up to the north about towards the peaks and it gets a bit better. but i have found some old chalky deer horns but ill bet thtere are some graeat bucks up there .
I hunted up there when southern went to a 5 day hunt. For some reason at the time the area around Hamblin Valley and Indian Peaks was 9 days. We would finish out the next four days out there.

The Bucks were high and fed early in the morning. What also makes it tough out there I hear, is because of a lot of poachers. I don't know how true it is, but I could see it.

Hunted the paths to the watering holes. You just can't get aggresive out there in most places, because it is so dang thick. You really can't glass much either. We ended up taking 3 alright 4 pointers out there, but like everyone else says, "There are some Huge one out there". Looked in the record book and seen a couple taken in the area, so I know the genetics exist.
The Ox
i dont know about the poaching i dont think its that bad up there i think it has to do with the elk populatio pushing the deer out personally if you look at some of the top elk units the deer are quite scarce in a lot of them like indian peaks monroe etc i think they may have something to do with it. i could be wrong but that is my take on the situation just looking at deer numbers in areas withlittle or no elk comparded to the deer numbers with lots of elk. like the panguitch lake unit may be a exception they have good deer hunting and good elk hunting but it seems like the exptional elk units just dont have the exeptional deer. what do you guy think about that? sound dumb or could i be on to something?
I think your absolutely right. I think Panguitch does so well because of the great habitat to support both. I still feel that there is good deer out at Indian Peaks there is so much cover they are able to get some age on them. We also went out there to get Christmas Trees one year and have seen some good ones. A local showed me some sheds off some real nice deer from there too.
The Ox
well about 5 years ago i found a bout a 3 or 4 year old shed that would probably be in the 150-160 range which is pretty good and i have found a few chalky busted ones that look like they could have been some good ones but i surely havent seen many bucks up thgere but i do know there are some up there and like you said some real nices ones could be well hidden in htat thick stuff i totally agree and i have seen some gnarly tracks to prove there are mature bucks around that 4 point in this pic is the one i found up there
i measure it at about 67 inches or right in there give or take its been a while since i measured it and giving it a 20 inch inside spread it should be in the 150's that was found a couple miles from bible springs
my trail cam is up near the jackson wash right now maybe ill get something but i think the majority of deer are up towards the peaks themselves
I took a 2 hour Hike one time scouting at Indian Peaks and found 2 complete 6x6 Sheds and one Bull Dead 6x that apparently got in a fight and broke off the other horn and cracked his skull. Never seen anything like it.