Anyone elses moose, sheep, and goat draw as bad as mine?
David W
5/4/09 7:20pm
I have applied in Montana now for my 31st year in a row for Moose, Sheep, and Goat. Anyone out there as frustrated as I am about not being able to draw a tag? They should make those three special tags once in a lifetime draw for Montana like most states are. As it stands, I could have drawn a sheep tag 7 years ago, and if this was year number eight, I could apply again for sheep and potentially be drawed once more. That isn't right, and there are too many folks eager to have a shot at it. The worst possible scenario to think of my drawing success would be like this. Imagine putting in for just one of those, and that would be equivalent to applying for 93 years in a row without drawing. This is the year!
Problem is that as we get older, those mountains get steeper. I told my wife that she might have to push me ina wheelchair in 20 years, but I was determined to keep trying and eventually draw the license. Good luck; your turn will come.