anyone have problems with fox/yote?

My old trapping spot is all posted now and has had tons of construction going on!! I trapped reds mostly on this particular area (some coons/muskrtats and an occasional coyote - but mostly reds and reds are what i wanted most) anyways, I drove ALL over the place today talking to people and looking for places to trap. seems to be that everythings private on either side of any road!!! I found several places where I know I could have a couple fox and a couple yotes in a matter of a day or two because of the sign and passage ways i found, but the only place I'd be able to trap would be on the side of the dirt roads and things would get stolen there.

anyways, I REALLY wanna get out trapping this year! Any kinds of fox (red, kit, ) coyotes, badgers, bobcat, whatever! I just need some land to trap. So any farmers or someone out there that has a predator issue? Any of you people with land you use for pheasant hunting I can assure you there are fox in your area whether you think it or not (id imagine you see em though) and their a big threat to those pheasants!

so anyone at all, if you know of someone or if you yourself need some help with this or are jsut willing to let me trap somewhere please let me know. If you're around salt lake then i could trap daily the whole season. but somewhere far away thats no problem, ill just make a trip for a week or so.

thanks for anyone that has any information for me! I don't want anything for it, I'm just a kid who wants to get out and trap :)