Anyone hunt unit 93 in Wyoming?

Has anyone hunted unit 93 for antelope in Wyoming? I usually hunt unit 29 out of Douglas but it is overcrowded and a far drive for me. I want to take my son hunting, so I'm looking for opportunity versus trophy quality. It has a 80+% success rate and looks like a fair amount of public land near Kemmerer. It looks good on paper, I was just wondering if anyone has some first hand knowledge of this unit. Thanks.
Snake River Marksman
I saw this yesterday and waited because someone here hunted this unit this past season, but I don't recall who it was. There are a lot of antelope on this unit and you can find some really good goats if you can spend the time to weed through them all. There is a LOT of BLM land on the unit so finding a place to hunt isn't an issue. I'd have no trouble putting in for that unit, if it wasn't an extra hours drive through two other units which are just as good and have just as many goats.
The very northern end of that unit goes up into the mountains and there is a band of goats that lives up there in the meadow at the top. I've thought about applying for that unit just to shoot goat on top of a mountain :-k
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Thanks for the info Snake River. This unit could save me 6 hours one way. You see any deer in the low country in early Oct? Thanks again.
Snake River Marksman
Usually, just before dark, in the irrigated lands i.e private property, I'll see deer. BUT! And this is VERY IMPORTANT! I don't live down in those areas. So I don't see a whole lot of what goes on down there. I'm up here in the far Western edge just south of Jackson so it's a whole 'nuther world.
I hunted 93 this last year. It was a lot of fun. My friend shot his first big game animal. We both shot really nice antelope. I would recommend 93. There is a lot of public ground. Very high success rate. PM me and I can give you more information if you would like. This site helped me out quite a bit so i would like to pass on the favor to anyone out there who is looking for more information.
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I am also looking at hunting this unit. Does anyone know how many bonus points its taking to draw a buck tag in this unit? If its unlikely we would draw tags this year we deffinitly wouldnt be against buying doe tags this year. I looked on the Wyoming DFG website but couldnt find anything useful. thanks
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It looks like they had 54 total tags for non residents 23 went to people with 4 points with 100% draw and 71 people with 3 points applied with only 31 getting tags which is a 44% chance leaving everyone with less than 3 no chance at a tag. So I'd save up my points for a while for that unit but it still beats the odds of drawing for 60 or 61.