anyone know about this?

540 class bull
elk taken on a private Colorado Ranch. The hunter apparently paid
$127,000 for the "hunt".

Nice livestock. :>/
Don't think I'd be grinning like that after spending $127K for a quick drive to a pen.

If I wanted a set of antlers like that I'd just spend a heck of a lot less to get the sheds.
awesome looking bull but dont like the way he got him i think my 3 year old cousin could have bagged him lol. :>/ :>/
Nice Bull, but that beast looks like it has at least a little red deer blood in him. Of course I could be wrong. That is a lot of money to pay for a penned up critter.
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do we no for sure it was pend because i know of some high dollor privet ranches that is not pend big coloradan bull for sure
Does kinda look like a cross breed. CB if you think that thing is a wild elk from Colorado then I got some swamp land to sell you in Florida.

There has never been any elk to groow big n the wild period. As of yet that is...
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just saying ya know you really never know there could be another one walkin in the woods right now
just my .02 cents
CB yes it looks to be a highfenced place. it looks as if theres a fence in the background of the last pic. Look closely then you can see
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thats a road in the back ground bb
It kinda looks like it may have been being feed some growth hormones over the summer. It seems to be the elk that come from these ranches that have the massive misshaped antlers.

Just my opinion though.
ya im pretty sure thats a fence. you can barely see it but it looks like it to me
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if ya look right next to the antler of the elk you will see the road and it winds up and what your seeing is a road next to some buldings
how bout the first pic on the right side.. Where it crosses that distinctive bare dirt. sure looks like a high dollar chain link fence to me, but I didn't take the pic, i'm just sayin.

cb - think what you will, but all I have to say is that without question if I had an opportunity to drop my life savings into betting this was a canned hunt then I'd feel great about gambling on that!
in the first picture on the left side up above the buildings there seems to be more elk standing in line for the next rich guy to end thier lives as well.
hah, didn't catch that - nice find. I think you might be onto somethin there callofthewild
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i dont know i would need to read the story to belive that its a pen bull. like i said early er ya never no there could be one just as big on the mountion
You can see the friggen fence in the lower pic,WAKE UP! ](*,)
"Coloradobuck" wrote:i dont know i would need to read the story to belive that its a pen bull. like i said early er ya never no there could be one just as big on the mountion

lol are you really serious about this. I think you just dont wanna beleive that it is cause it happend in your great state of colorado but when it we were talking about the mossback bull a couple of weeks back you said something like " It sounds and looks pretty fishy to me. It was probally taken illegaly" and yes as me and NONYA said that is a fence in the bottom pic.
Yeah... im also going to agree its a high fence!!! YOu can see it... If it wasn't a high fence bull im pretty sure this would be the biggest bull taken on public ground. Also... what big bull would be around houses??? the bull looks like it just shed his velvet, which means it was summer. elk are up high in the summer. not down low. And like callofthewind said. it looks to be more elk in the picture.... yeah... wild elk would not be around if humans were there celebrating, laughing, having fun, and just being loud. Im sure its on a high fenced ranch.
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im just saying my opinon. i just would have to see the story on it.
NONYA- Nice livestock.
:)) :))

An elk over 500 in wild maybe in Utah or Arizona some day but I doubt it.
In my opinion that guy wasted his money ](*,)
The Ox
heck no guys im with cb on this one!!!! hahaha ya right no way! it looks crossed to me and i agree on the fence. big cool looking bull but would rather shoot a spike on public land,than a monster behind a fence!
Definetly looks like a pen raised elk...... :>/ I would be alot prouder of a 4x4 I killed on public ground on my own.
i would be more proud of a cow on public land
You can see the friggen fence in the lower pic,WAKE UP! ](*,)
:)) :))

Nonya you kill some times

No one has seemed to mention that NO elk in the wild has ever been killed or found scoring even close to something this high and to think it was wild in The Great state of rag horn yeah right! :))

You got a better chance of killing a world record Whitetail in Colorado( it could happen in the eastern plains) then to get a bull over 400 in Colorado which has happend!!!!
For that amount of money the guy blew he could kill 6-7 legal bulls on the high 300's with chances at 400 if he bought tags every year from LO"s in Utah and certain units in other statesthen at least his bulls would of been real and big. =; #-o

Not just Huge and Livestock
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"bigbuck92" wrote:CB yes it looks to be a highfenced place. it looks as if theres a fence in the background of the last pic. Look closely then you can see

Look at the difference in the vegetation behind the fence . Its definitely a high fence hunt !! I just hate hunts like that !! :>/ :>/
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Color of the antlers is a dead give away that it's fenced. Pen raised elk don't rub like normal elk. Their antlers are always a lot lighter in color and they frequently don't get all the velvet off.
silvertip-co's always the same with this kind of stuff: "some guy" kills a huge whatever the heck that thing is on "some private ranch" in some state. No one ever seems to have the details. What a bunch of bs.
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i agree with silver-tip. i know theres a high finch just to only truely belive it you need story along with it
I hear you, I find myself waiting on the edge of my chair, waiting for the 'story' behind a high-fence 'hunt'. zzz Just as I can hardly wait to hear how someone show a Hereford in the the north forty. :)) :))

If I was to tell you that that Bull was taken in Montana, then would you still say that could be a wild bull. Or would you say that it was a high fence bull. Just because you live in Co and would love to think that a bull of that caliber is roaming the wild for some lucky hunter to find. Thats fine. But Just think for a second. What size is the WORLD RECORD. Its not even close to that. I don't beleive that it is a free range bull. Even if that bull came from Montana.
No canned elk hunts here in MT,we did away with high fence hunting a few years back after CWD was found in captive elk herds,we havnt had a single case of CWD in a wild animal EVER,getting rid of these canned operations greatly reduces the spread of CWD.
getting rid of these canned operations greatly reduces the spread of CWD.
:thumb :thumb :thumb

Wish they would get rid of all canned hunting period!!!!
I think once CWD really hits the herds hard in the west it will be possible in every stat except Texas,not enough public land there and it is BIG buisness,the polaticians are already bought and paid for.
"NONYA" wrote:t except Texas,not enough public land there and it is BIG buisness,the polaticians are already bought and paid for.
:)) ha, ain't that the truth :))