Anyone know their OWLS?
9/19/07 1:37pm
Saw this tiny owl at a fairly high altitude this morning,maybe 5" tall and LOUD,he hooted at me several time swhile I was photographing him." alt="" />

Admittingly, I am not the greatest at identifying owls. However, I did a little research and it LOOKS like a Northern Pygmy Owl. I attached a pic...what do ya think?
They are found in Montana and from what I read, they can be found anywhere from riverbottoms to timberline.
Looks to be the same owl to me. Is it just me or is Hawk an endless source of knowledge?
Oh, thanks 79Ford, bigbuck, and Hiker! Yea, I guess I'm just curious by nature, love reading and studying (Although I was NEVER a good student), and I love a challenge.
Hope I don't come across as a "know-it-all" though and if I do, please speak up. I'm no smarter than the next guy and try not to come across otherwise. I just keep a large library of outdoor material and MANY, MANY bookmarks on the ol computer... and I love to share information. (I love a challenge too and when folks have questions I really try hard to find the answers)