Anyone out there interested in a deer picture??
7/23/06 8:11pm
Anyone wanna see a deer pic?
Here it is...
Anyone else wanna see a deer pic or does choclab want to bite again?? ???
I'll take that as a "bite" from you to, meaning you want to see another pic.
Here he is...
Anyone elsing "biting"???
is still here you go...
better feed
Many are pulled from video, thus the quality...
Here ya go...
Couple to gnaw on...
Sorry bud, can't help you out there. I'm a southern boy and love the heat, sagebrush, and cedar trees. :)
This one's for you...
But isn't it time now for the main course? Show us a super buck..please...hehe!
This ones for you OregonEric...
Darn tree. :)
But I'm sure several others do and will want GPS coordinates to my pics. :)
Oh how I wish I had a tag. I REALLY wanted it last year, but I've found 2 bucks this year to drool over and a couple others to be happy with.
And several to smile upon if you took them in a General tag area.
That's a interesting pic Brett. Thanx! Was he conked out under that tree? That angle makes it look like his right antler is much bigger than left. Sort-of an optical illusion. :) I'm guessing he's somewhere in the 25 inch range.
This was my last shot of this cool buck.
I'd probably put him in the 26" range, but never got a good luck so it's a guess for sure.
:thumb :thumb :thumb
You got me...
Here he is closer, I really liked this buck. Wish I could have got closer.
118 yards was as close as I could get.
Have a great week, I'll be at Scout Camp with the scouts. :)
Just kidding!
Well I guess I did find one more buck..."BLACK MAGIC" returns.
If ya bug me after this one...then sorry your outa luck.
I spent all week trying to find him and finally on the last day I turned him up. Was getting very tired and worried I'd never see him again. The stars aligned and I had an awesome morning and captured some great video of him.
Not sure he will survive another hunting season, he sticks out like a sore thumb obviously. I would love to take him, but none the less maybe some lucky hunter will??
Or if I had it my way they can't find him or think he is ugly and he returns in 2007 :thumb
So reality is...he may be toast. I hope not, I'll pray goes 100% nocturnal or something. :)
We all know that antlers are covered in velvet while they grow and help bring mineral-rich blood to the antlers during this period. When the antlers harden and the blood flow decreases due to rising testosterone levels, the velvet sheds (The velvet actually dies and the buck rubs it off....but you get the picture). This is why that younger bucks are generally the last to shed thier velvet, because they produce less testosterone than the bigger bucks that are in their prime.
This is where the "cactus buck" and Black Magic comes in.
In most cactus bucks, thier testes (yes, the ones that supply testosterone) may have been "left" on a fence or seriously injured in some other sort of accident, turnin' "himself" into an "it." These "accidents" cause the "cactus" antlers with permanent velvet and almost continual growth in some form or another due to a testosterone inbalance or severe reduction.
With that bein' said, these incidents can cause different results dependin' on age and stage of antler growth when the accident happened. If a fawn is "castrated", he will not develop pedicles so he won't ever grow antlers. If an adult buck is castrated during antler growth and in velvet, the lack of testosterone will cause the antlers to continue growin' (Slower and more abnormal though), with the velvet sheddin' stage never occuring. These buck's antlers MAY go on growing for years which in turn creates the huge cactus bucks. I believe that our friend Black Magic falls into this catergory.
Now, a buck with a full set of antlers (after sheddin' his velvet) that is "castrated" will still shed his antlers but from what I've read, it happens pretty quickly. With little or no testosterone there is a reduction of protein transfer which causes errosion between the antler and pedicel. In the next spring, the buck may grow another set of antlers but they will remain velvet-covered and won't shed.
You can also find doe's that have permenant velvet covered atlers due to a hormone inbalance (small doses of testosterone). They don't shed the antlers either but they are generally much smaller than a buck who's had an unfortunate accident. BLACK MAGIC IS NO DOE!
Hope that isn't too long. There is a lot of great stuff out there concerning this stuff.
I have never harvested a "Cactus Buck" myself, however I just spoke to a Professional Guide and he confirmed that indeed a cactus buck has serious issues with their testicles. They may only have one, and they are usually very small. So obviously they aren't functioning and working right.
So they don't necessarily have to have 'lost' them in an accident.
Also some theories out there that it is a genetic factor in the does that cause these cactus bucks to turn out this way?
Yup, I guess that's what we are tryin' to say...LOL
(btw: that was an incredible explanation, i had no idea about any of that stuff with cactus bucks)
but im really an idiot and just thoguht id ask; So theres no possible way for "black magic" or any other 'cactus bucks' to reproduce on their own (meaning sure, maybe in some kinda lab or something, but im talking about in the wild on their own.. is there any possibility that bucks like these could ever pass on there genes? or do they even try to do that?
incredible pics none-the-less!!!!! and great onformation on this thread!
Brett: i think its pretty cool the way you set this whole post up, haha.. that was accualy pretty clever (the whole one buck leading to another deal). it entertained me anywyas, course i am just a little boy - im pretty easily ammused :)
Good question, I have no proof of course...but I would assume they still try. However I'm not sure if they are able to or not. I would personally assume not, but crud who knows...stranger things have happened.
Just like a dog whose been nuetered, they try now and again to "pass along" those genes but it just don't work. I must also say, just as Brett has, that I have no proof and I am by no means an expert in the field of biology or "sex ed for deer" so please don't take this for gospil. However, I don't believe there is any way for a true cactus buck to pass along his genes by pro-creation.
and sorry bigbuck - thats my only question.. well for now. so im sure this post is coming to an end.......
..unless Bretts holdin out on an even better buck than the all-so-mighty black magic!!!!!! could it be true!!!!!
sorry, dont think so :>/
FYI you can find sheds that are covered in velvet, I don't know if they come from cactus bucks or just bucks that don't rub off the velvet. Their bases are hollow, and they weigh very little.
In 2005 I saw what I considered a potential "special buck", needless to say I was pretty anxious to see if he made it back in 2006.
My first trail cam pic left me a little unsure if it was him or not???
My trail cam picked him up and I was all excited he had returned. But DANG he didn't look a bit different from last year.
But wait...this is early summer, look at the buck behind him not even 50% growth yet. Could he still be growing???
??? ???
Not sure yet, will have to be patient and hope to get him on trail cams again. can understand my frustration as his horns blend in perfectly and it's really tough to how big is he??
Does he have any new growth this time...this pic is 2 months after the previous picture/post.
??? ???
Must get better, more trail cam pics of him.
You guys seeing what I'm seeing ???
I gave him the "I'm not worthy" award and I don't hand that out to just any buck. :not-worthy
Hope he keeps going and that you can pull a tag for that area.
you'll continue to see why soon. :)
Lets just say I've been blessed with a good couple of years find some COOL deer. May NEVER see stuff this big or unique in my whole life again, so I'm feeling pretty peachy. :)
Sure hope to see the elder Black Magic again too!
WHOA now are you guys/gals seeing what I'm seeing???
Are you kidding me.
Look closer at him. :) Forget the little guy coming.
you know most of us are bigger than you, right?
just show the rest of the dang pictures!!!!
And yes I know, but I run fast. :)
HOWEVER, I am enjoyin' him just about as much in these pics! And the best part of "baggin" him with the camera?! He'll live to get bigger too!
Bigbuck92 is correct too. That one sneakin' in behind 'em looks to be a decent buck also.
Since you're the schoolyard bully.
This ones for you. :)
Pics are all from this year, have NO CLUE where these big bodys winter?? But they won't be doing in shedding. :)
Hope they return in 2007.
Here is a better front pic of him.
I'm running low though.
The one I'm watching is actually very similar to the one you posted. Not as much length in points or droppers. But lots of similarities.
Here is another shot of him...
Then I realized that not only was that your post and not Brett's, the droppers don't quite match.
Nice lookin' buck either way though!
Good idea, would have been funny...but I knew about the buck you posted already. :)
Nope that one was a little guy.
Crazy thing is when I first saw this picture, I thought the lead buck may be the bigger of the 2 deer.
But you're correct, this picture is definitely deceptive, as the lead buck is closer...thus part of the reason he looks bigger.
He is actually the smaller buck and by more than you might think. :)
Not that he is no slouch by any means, he is a 5x5
Down to my last couple of pics of him...more later.
He finally came a bit closer and I'll post a bigger image also...
I didn't see to much of him after this and NEVER got any more trail cam pics of him. But notice the darker color of his droppers, they were still growing as of this photo.
4 years ago I had a tag, but never found any thing like this then. Bummer. :) Worst drought year I have ever seen. 2002.
Been quite some time likely, before I draw again.
My little brother should get a tag soon hopefully. He is a little rusty though, be coming home from his mission in 2 weeks. :)
Oh so TRUE!
Yes we, or my dad of course bought his preference points.
He may draw the tag this upcoming year?
Back to the thread at hand. Looking closely at the last photo you can see a few places that he is still growing. It would be neat to see how how his antlers turn out.
Some kinda bummer news about this big ole cactus buck...he busted off he dropper on his right side. Real bummer, but oh well what do ya do?
I'm not sure if he busted it off or it simply fell off? I kinda think it may have fell off from to much blood and growing to fast. It was really dark looking, which means it was full of blood and likely heavy, so it probably didn't take much to lose it?
Anyway here is the pic, clearly you can see where the dropper use to be.
At least he still has the other side, and it's pretty dang big. This the last time I saw him.
Glad you can't get enough.
that's why I like to call it...
Here is "BUMPY" in 2005, this is one of the best if not 'the best' trail cam pic I've ever been blessed with.
I was way MORE than excited when I saw this pic.
Here he is in 2005, original file size so you could really appreciate the size of this buck.
He is SWEET!
Imagine him now in 2006 with mass, trash, and the dropper. :)
Thanks Brett!
What a buck! 2006 was good to me!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, may 2007 be even better. :)