Anyone see the - "open letter to Utah sportsmen"?

Link to the letter below.

This is exactly why I'm concerned about any of the options, especially option #2. Creating 29 units will just create LE units for the state to make money on. Look at the quote below and tell me why giving 7K less tags (option 1), or creating 29 units (option 2) will help?

My favorite quote:
"While hunting and buck harvest is a very important social consideration, it has very little to do with increasing overall deer numbers. Having a few more bucks in the post-season population will have virtually no effect on deer herd productivity or total deer numbers." -Jim Karpowitz
Director, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Sometimes I think they just do things to make it look like they are working on it. Like the 5 day season this last year. Was that justified by their numbers? ARGH!!

I know people think something needs to be done and I agree, but when gov agencies touch something, they break it. It always get's worse, not better.

Someone show me where I'm wrong here, please. I hope I'm missing something. :)
Yes you were and are on to something.
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One thing I think they are missing is that elk numbers need to be controlled in areas where you want the deer herd to flourish. When weather is harsh (snow, cold, drought etc.) the elk can utilize habitat more effectively than deer and will increase numbers while the deer die off. The deer just can't compete with elk during hard times and there's been drought and harsh winters in the past ten years or more. If they are spending money on deer habitat it will probably just become elk habitat.