anyone see this before
3/7/08 9:00pm
Hey I wonder if you ever seen this before?
Sure looks like he had a bad day. I bet that tickled a fair bit.
After seeing the first picture, would a doctor or surgeon really cut out a chunk of skull that big to remove a broadhead and why? After feeling my noggin for a while, I really wonder if the skull is as thick as the removed arrow shows? Oh well, I'm just wondering how you really tell your buddy you're sorry for launching an Easton tipped thunderhead into the back of his melon....? Do you start with, "Dude, you're not going to believe this but...?"
He was doing a Devil Dare with his buddy :>/ no wonder why arrow is perfectly stright center but too 8" low from APPLE? #-o Go figure. Probbally 30 yds range? 40yd? (???)