Anyone seeing any antler growth?
5/24/07 1:25pm
I went trout fishing yesterday, and was amazed that I actually saw 10 deer. Upon close inspection with my bino's I determined that they were all does with a few fawns. I was quite surprised to see that many deer here in California, but with the sighting I was also reassured that there is no bucks here so once again I will make the 1200 mile round trip to hunt in Utah. Anyone else seeing anything? :arrow
I did find one buck however that stands above those and when I looked him through the binos I had that feeling you get when know your looking at a good one.
He already has about 22 1/2 to 23 inch 4 point main frame, his forks are about 3 inches deep now-he has an extra coming off of his 3 on one side and a bump formed just below it, double eyegaurds. On the other side he has a smaller 3 on his back and i growing a couple bumps on the two, and a one inch extra forming on his 4.
He may just stop soon and just be a low scoring buk with character, but I think he still has more to come, I look forward to seeing how he progresses!
More later...stay tuned.
When i was turkey hunting, a guy in camp said he saw a 4x4 in velvet.