Anyone use an underwater camera while fishing?

I am looking into geting me an underwater camera for fishing. Just wondering if any of you have one, and what you think of it. I even heard of people attaching them to there downrigger and watching the action while trolling. Now that would be cool to see what is exactly going on down there.
I have never used one, but I'm hopeing you get one so WE can go somtime!!

I hope that boats big enough for 3 cause i wanna go to :)
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I have an Aquaview and it works fine, but I think they are over rated. No good in off colored water, and you really dont see as much as they claim you will. I think quality electronics do a better job, especially in deeper water or when graphing suspended fish. :)
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I have used the aqua view quite a bit pre fishing for bass tournaments.
I don't use them too look for the actual fish, just too look at the structure.
They work pretty dang good!! :thumb
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Skull, when you going to get your boat fixed up so we can go out. Never used any kind of camera, it would be cool though.
I have used the aqua view quite a bit back east when I had my boat still.
they work very well for finding structure and when used on the back of a down rigger work awesome to let you know if the fish are missing the lure do do speed of trolling. This allows you to make pretty precise adjsutments.
Like already stated I use mine in my boat in the summer to to at structure that I think would hold fish. During ice fishing season it's a ball to watch your bait and how fish react to the bait when they come into view.