Anyone use Barnes triple shocks and 4350?

Trying to find load data from barnes using 4350 on a 160 gr 7mm,any help appreciated!
crud, i have my barnes book packed away. i'll try and get it and see what i can find.
I would start around 55 grains and work up to probably no more than 61 grains. Depending on your rifle I think you will find one you like between 58 to 60. Check the book first, see what KB comes up with out of the Barnes manuel.
Just shot a few at 60 grains,the grouped real well,think this one will work!

how bout a report on the barnes when you get an animal down!

2 MD does,1 WT yearling and 2 yotes later....All 3 deer were 1 shot kills with PERFECT bullet performance,complete penetration and a nice nickel size channel,bolth yotes blew out on the backside and ruined the hide,too fast for yotes I guess but great on game. :222
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Thanks for the info on the Barnes bullets. I've ben thinking about using them for my .270WSM and .300WSM. The Hornady Interlocks don't seem to hold up with the higher velocities of these calibers.
The ONLY negative about these bullets is their price.They dont group as well as the plastic tip Noslers but the performance makes up 10 fold for the slight loss in accuracy,and it is slight.I can group them 1-1.5 " consistantly.I shot 7 deer,including a bruiser of a buck and they all dropped like the hammer of thor just got jammed up their ass when these bullets made contact,I recoverd one from a deer I shot right in the back of the head,went in where the spine connects to the skull,destroyed spine,completly penetrated the skull and stopped just under the skin in the soft part of the nose at 330 yards,he didnt even stand up.Next year Im shooting the 180s out of my 8Mag and I expect great things at LONG distance.
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I shoot the 140g TSX in my 270WSM andI found the groups tightened up as the pressure reached the max load. When I was working up a load, the groups would be 1.25" or so in the mid pressure ranges as I approached max loads, the groups got better and finally topped out at .6" at the max loads.

I did find that when I used the max load from the Accurate Powder website (for Hornady BTSP) the Barnes TSX were way faster in velocity than the reloading data suggested. And speed is a factor of pressue. So I backed off 1 grain from max.

If you are not already at or close to max load data, you may want to bump it up a bit and see if it tightens your groups.