Archery Elk Set-up

OK. So this is the first year I have ever really gone after a big bull with a bow. After drawing a LE tag for the Manti, I knew it was time to get serious so let me run my set up by you all and we'll see what you think.
Bow - Hoyt 737
Weight 65 lbs
Arrow - Easton Epic 343 grain (I think) with 100 grain tip. Hard not to bite on the full metal jackets.
Arrow speed as of yesterday - 272 fps
The bow is a tack driver and I am really enjoying shooting it. I can practice every day at work back to 60 yrds so we're getting some good fling time.
One of my questions is the broad head. I am looking hard at the G5 after using muzzys for deer for years. I also have a few friends that swear by mechanicals, particularly the newest grim reapers. I value their opinion but I don't know how confident I am with the mechanicals, especially if I get good flight with the G5.
For those of you that shoot mechs, do you ever have an issue with deflection or poor penetration on quartering shoots?
Is this setup heavy/adequate enough for a 380 bull :thumb ?
What ya think? Looking forward to your comments. Later.
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I definitely would not shoot mechanicals. You have to make sure your broadhead is going to be reliable and take that large animal down. I think your setup is fine. I shoot the G5 Montecs and really like them. In addition, if Cameron Hanes loves them, then they are good enough for me.
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The key to getting good penetration on an animal like an elk is a heavy arrow not speed. Speed will give erratic arrow flight. That's why so many are going to mechanical broadheads because they fly better at high speed. The G-5's are a good broadhead. They are wickedly sharp and penetrate well. If you have trouble getting a conventional broadhead to fly well drop your arrow speed to below 250 fps. Stay away from the shoulder and you should have no trouble killing the largest elk. Good luck.