Archery Equipment

Hey everybody with the season opener just around the corner I thought it would be fun and maybe benificial for others to have a list of what you will be using this year as far as your bow, sight, rest, stabilizer, quiver, arrows, broadhead. If you have any pics it would great to see them too.

2009 Bowtech Admiral 27.5 Draw 70 lbs.
Rip Cord Rest
Sure Loc Sportsmans Special Sight
Octane Bantamweight Quiver
Doiker Stabilizer
Easton ST Axis 400 Nanotubes Arrows
Grim Reaper 100 Grain Razortip Broadheads" alt="" />" alt="" />
dreaming big
2005 Hoyt Magnatec
Ripcord dropaway rest
Cobra 5 pin fiber wrapped sight
Gold tip 5575s'
and good ole 3 blade muzzys'
08 Mathews DXT - 26.5" DL @ 62lbs
Shaffer MAT-1 GEN-II Rest
G5 Optix LE .029 Sight
Arrow Web T5 Quiver
Fuze Carbon Connexion 6.5" Stabilizer
G5 Montec 100gr.
GoldTip Pro's with 2" blazers
Primos .44 caliper release

btw nice rig you've got there too, BowtechAdmiral. I love those Sure Loc sights!
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09 Elite GT500 29" 72lbs
Quad Ultra Rest
Spott Hog 7pin
Sims S coil Stabilizer
Muzzy 3 blade 100g
Gold Tip XT's with blazers
True Fire Release
Mathews Black Max 2
Winners Choice Strings
Wisker Biscut
Gold TIp Arrows
100 gr Shuttle T
Trophy Ridge Flatliner Sights
Limbsaver Stabilizer
Scott Release.
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I've got a Mathews Classic@ 60 #. Scott Wildcat release.Three arrow Quickee Kwiver(5.8 ounces). Trophy Taker rest. Copper John Dead Nuts 4 pin sight. Nikon 880 Monarch Rangefinder. Twentynine inch Carbon Fury 6075 arrows fletched with Blazers. G-5 Montek 100 grain broadheads. I'll use NAP Shockwaves if it's really windy. The thing shoots like a dream!
hoyt katera @68# with 29" draw
NAP dropaway rest
cobra 5 pin sight
alpine 5 arow quick relise quiver
vapor arows 4" vanes
4 blade stinger buzz cuts 75g
tru fire relise
badlands dioblo max-1
all max-1 camo
nikon 440 range finder
bushnell legends 10x40
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Hey Nevada,
How do you like the Elite GT500? I have heard about them on Bowcast. Whats your opinion?
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I love my new bow. I shot a AR34 before and it was a nice bow with alot of kills on it but this gt blows it away. I went to buy a 82nd Airborne and ended up taking the Elite home. Super solid back wall, very forgiving for how fast it shoots and the kinetic energy it puts out is amazing. I shoot a 29" draw and it's set at 72 pounds and its throwing my 28" 5575s gold tips with 100g points at 310fps set up to go hunting.

I know some on here don't like speed, they want punch. Well no joke at 70 yards with this bow I am putting arrows 3/4 of the way through my glendel with field points. I went to a 3-d shoot the other weekend and everybody commented on how fast and quite it shot. What I like with this bow is that there is virtually very little drop from 50 to 80. 70 yard shots are like shooting at 40 to me right now. My pins are grouped like alot of peoples 20-60 except mine go from 20-80.

Highly recommend this bow if your looking for a new one. We'll see how it performs in about a week here in Nevada. It seems not alot of people know about this line of bows. Sorry I ranted on buts thats my two sense.
BowTech Admiral
Radial X-Weave carbon arrows
Blazer Vanes
Wac'em heads
Fuze Quiver
Black Gold "Flashpoint" Sight
Martin Tracer Magnum - 26" draw - 50-55 lbs.
Wisker Biscut
GoldTip Hunter XT Arrows
VaneTec Vanes 2"
Spot Hogg 5 pin sight
Quiver - ?
Stabilizer -?
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Bowtech Tomkat - 29 1/2" draw, 65lbs
Winner's Choice Strings
Rip Cord Rest w/ containment arm
Stillhunter Radial X Weave Arrows - 300 grain
Blazer Vanes
Grim Reaper Broadheads - 100 grain
Primos Release
TruGlow 5 pin sight
Quiver - ???
Target - from
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Bowtech Diamond Ice 70lb 26 inch draw (where legal)
Maxim 350 arrows
Rage 2blade 2inch cut broadheads
4 arrow quicky quiver
Trophyridge 4 pin sights
Simms stabilizer and silensers
Scott release
Beaman ICS Hunter Elite 340's
2" Max Hunter Vanes
G5 Tekan broadheads

298 fps
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switchback xt
maxima arraas
slick trick
whisker biscut
sweet stabalizer
sweet quiver

smothest shooting bow made...