are the snakes still out in colorado in late october???

just wondering if I should bother wearing my snake boots in colorado this time of year during deer season around the rifle CO area or not
hah, depends on where in co. your talking about. 2 ranches i used to guide on [ 1 in ft colins , way up north, and 1 in colorado city, way south,] were loaded with rattlers! the one in ft colins was rediculous, you would have a thunder shower come in and the hills would come alive with those suckers rattling their butts off!. we also guided out of guffy colorado and i dont believe we ever ran into a rattler there.
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so either one of these places close to Rifle CO hey since you have guided out there do you know where I can puchase some good maps,topos and landownership
in rifle theres a few but ive seen most of them around dinasaur
always check your sleeping bag.
The badlands in MTand WY also have plenty of Rattlers. I've seen lots and would rather have a grizzly in my tent than a Rattler [and We did have a grizzly in our tent once, at least his paw]

The good news is only in warm weather, Sept hunting you see snakes. But after mid Oct if you do see rattlers they are very slow and aren't a problem.
Haven't been for me anyway.
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I'd say they slow down but! if it get up to 80° they can move real fast. and that late in the year if you see 1 there's a good chance there's a lot more close by. Just give them thier space and go on your way.
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al ways. my dad woke up one time and opened his sleeping bag and found a rattler on his stomek!!!
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long story short answer!!!

Wear the boots.

Reason 1. Better to have them and not need them.

Reason 2. I have moved through most types of terrain in Colorado over the past 15 years. Never encountered a rattle snake (THANK YOU LORD), I HAVE encountered plenty of cactus, thorns, briers, and GOD only knows what else. Wear your boots, your shins and calves will thank you.
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doe slayer
sorry for the late post but I'm new here.
I've lived 45 miles down the road all my life and never saw one or ever heard of one being seen.
at that time of year and if your heading up in elevation at all I'd wory more about your snow boots instead of your snake boots.
Oct. can be warm and dry but large snow storms at higher elevations(higher than rifle its self) aren't uncommon.
I supppose they could be out. But I never seen one in 7 yrs.
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in late october you might see them down in the front range. but most likely not in the high countery