Are You Lame?

I joined this forum a month or so ago and I really like, its layed out nice, lots of features, and a couple really of good members who post regulary. But thats it, theres only a couple. I have been on other forums that arent near as nice and get 100 times the traffic. I just wonder what the heck the deal is, why arent there more people who post? I have seen the number of views as high as 300 with only 2 replies. Are you afraid to stick your neck out a little? It just kinda bugs me...
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your lame
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although you have a good point, not many messages posted. I dont know why. I keep this site on my favorites, and check up regularly. It just hasnt picked up yet, I'm sure it will.

later, MM
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Well I to have noted that there are very few up to date messages posted-
and have noted excess views but no reply!
so what are they all doing- can't be hunting { if they are hunting must be shooting at-and not getting!}

# of postings-
NONE would about sum it up
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I just found this site the other day so I am still new to it. It looks like a nice site, so I think it will pick up sooner or later....
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yall have a good point guess people like to read and not type or maybe they just dont have anything to say
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I also put this site in favorites
slow posts not much traffic
the site is put together well

just need to get more posts or replies

what has been posted is interesting
like the post /survey about which rifle you like!
if you run other forums you will note they ask the same questions
and you get some interesting replies- especially from north over the border- about how this rifle or that rifle breaks or freezes up while hunting

or down under about their hunting trips with posted pictures
or you get the guy who wants to go to africa and use his 50 cal. [700 gr FMJ] on plains game
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Have been applying for about 7 years for the Trout Creek Mountains in Oregon and have heard that it's not what it used to be for big bucks. I live and hunt in Central Oregon and have always wanted to hunt either the Steens or the Trout Creeks. Does anyone know whether it's worth the trip, or just one of those places that got its name in the 60's and 70's. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Hey oregon_eric, my father in law and I have tags to hunt in the beatty's butte area of southeastern oregon. I believe the hunt is 170, and the zone is 70. Any information that you could provide on the area would be great as we have never hunted for mule deer in oregon before, only wyoming, idaho, and nevada.

Thanks alot.

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You shouldn't have a hard time finding deer in unit 70, I am just a little purplexed on how you got your tags 3 months before everybody else. In the beattys butte unit you can either hunt the blm bordering private alphalfa pivits, or stranglely enough, go hunt on the butte itself. I think this is a sleeper unit that the portland people dont harrass too much. It produces some whales. Its a good choice.

As for the other question, the steens area had a big die off in the early 90's and has not fully recovered since. A few years ago the ODFW cut the number of tags from 600ish to 300ish and did away with the doe hunt. That is a bad sign, although by now the numbers may be increasing. Four wheelers are everywhere in that unit. It is a extremly beautiful unit with some tough terrian if thats what youre looking for. If you draw it, find moon flat on your map and hunt the aspens in that area. The trophy class deer are much harder to find, it is turning into a regular unit with a inflated reputation.
Trout creeks have also experienced a decline in numbers. Years ago people drove from all around the country to hunt that area. Its fairly open and there are still some huge deer there. This year there will be 53 tags and with 7 points you have 0% of drawing. It will take four more years. Do you muzzleloader hunt? the most primo muzldr tag in the USA is in the Juniper unit and there has been a %85 four point plus harvest there for the last ten years straight. You are more or less hunting refuge deer. It is the best trophy hunt in Oregon, and although it will take 2-3 more years it is well worth it. If I had seven points I would be waiting. but if you decide to hunt the steens please contact me I can help as I know the unit very well and can almost tell you what rock to sit on.
:D to get back on the topic of this post, man i love this website, it is the best one that i have bookmarked as a favorite. however, i am like most everyone else, i do not know why it has not taken off like a few others that i go to on a daily bases. i prefer muley madness to any other one as the people of this forum are polite, knowledgable, and listen to what you have to say. i recently made a post to another forum and before i knew it i had like 25 replies from people that were mad at me for speaking my mind. i hate someone asks for my opinion and then jumps down my throat when it is not exactly what they want to hear. needless to say i pretty much drug up on that website and won't be going there again anytime soon. the thing that i hate the most isn't the fact that alot of people don't see things the way i do, it is the fact when someone asks me a question and before they even read my entire reply they are jumping to conclusions. anyhow, this website rules and we all should do whatever to jumpstart it.
WYMULEYMAN, I don't know if everyone else is like me but I just don't have the time to spend on the computer every day. I agree that this site is great and I fully intend on supporting it as long as I can (I am in the military and could very well find myself deploying were access to a computer is impossible). Couple that with the fact that I have a wife and five little deamon spawn running around makes for very little free time for me. I try to hit the site once a day, schedule permitting, but I certainly can't do much more than that. Sure wish I can but I'm being realistic here.
Like you, it would be nice if we had more "action" in this forum but I also don't mind the way it's ran now. I can check it when I have time, post to the topics that I find interesting or I have knowledge of, and checking back for replies next time I'm online.
MORE POWER TO YA THOUGH MY FRIEND! If you can get people on here more often and also get them to be more proactive then you have my vote!
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well i try to be on and update my topics but somedays its just not possible. i go to school and then work but also have horses and others animals to take care of so when i am on im on reall late like tonite. you all do a good job at the replies and are very imformative and not everyone agrees with some of my opinions but we all have our own opinions.
:) It is pretty nice because i work for a architectual company so i live on my computer! i check the forums like twice a day and sometimes more. i can't get enough of it. i spend my days wishing it was hunting season and the rest of the time i spend my days checking this and other websites about hunting. im addicted, lock me up and throw away the key. i am a dangerous man, all i think about is hunting. ooohhhhhhhh well, guess it is better then spending my time doing other things. anyway, it is great the people that are here at this site. i like the fact that it is limited amounts of people talking back and forth, when i check out my other favorites they have alot more people replying but they also have people that are with peta and other tree hugging groups! I DON"T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT, it is just that they get these topics going that pretty much have nothing to do with hunting and when they do they are only for the sole purpose of bashing one or more people. the one thing i do like about one of these other sites is that they actually have some woman that reply back and forth. that is great man, there is nothing better than a girl that knows her hunting! :D :D :D but some of the guys on this site bash them because they are females. i don't get it. but any ways, just keep up when you can, i understand that not everyone is blessed with as much computer time as me. and agchawk, good luck and thanks for fighting for me and everyone else that is not in the military and also good luck with the ankle biters.
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Well i have got some extra time today and so i thought i would check up on my posts. I've never been to another hunting site and i just stumbled upon this one and it has treated me well. Ya, there isn't much women on here but i do see a few pics with women in them and i believe a woman can know just as much as a man can if not more. Each person has a right to voice their opinion and we should all be glad they are sharin info. with us and we might can learn some stuff off of em. Hey Utah is a pretty awesome hunting state and i would like to hunt wyoming as well if not more states and my dream hunt is to go up to alaska for some reall back country huntin. Well thanks for keepin up been nice havin soembody replyin.
WYMULEYMAN, thanks. Although, I have more problems with the kids than I do with the military!
Danthe 2pointmuleyman:

that is also my dream, to one day go to alaskaor canada and hunt four or five different species of animals on a month or two trip. although i think alaska and canada have got a pretty good selection of animals to hunt, i would definetly have to hunt a big ole' northern muley, man everytime i see a picture of a northern muley i can't believe how freakin big they are, the body size is just unreal.


i have not been blessed with kids yet, but look forward to the day, although i am enjoying the single life. look at it like this, at least you have someone to teach all your hunting skills too, and soon you will have a best hunting buddy. as i know who my best hunting buddy is, although my dad and i don't hunt together much, he will always be my favorite hunting parntner and i owe all my knowledge to him.