Are You Lame?
11/15/03 12:19am
I joined this forum a month or so ago and I really like, its layed out nice, lots of features, and a couple really of good members who post regulary. But thats it, theres only a couple. I have been on other forums that arent near as nice and get 100 times the traffic. I just wonder what the heck the deal is, why arent there more people who post? I have seen the number of views as high as 300 with only 2 replies. Are you afraid to stick your neck out a little? It just kinda bugs me...
later, MM
and have noted excess views but no reply!
so what are they all doing- can't be hunting { if they are hunting must be shooting at-and not getting!}
# of postings-
NONE would about sum it up
slow posts not much traffic
the site is put together well
just need to get more posts or replies
what has been posted is interesting
like the post /survey about which rifle you like!
if you run other forums you will note they ask the same questions
and you get some interesting replies- especially from north over the border- about how this rifle or that rifle breaks or freezes up while hunting
or down under about their hunting trips with posted pictures
or you get the guy who wants to go to africa and use his 50 cal. [700 gr FMJ] on plains game
Thanks alot.
As for the other question, the steens area had a big die off in the early 90's and has not fully recovered since. A few years ago the ODFW cut the number of tags from 600ish to 300ish and did away with the doe hunt. That is a bad sign, although by now the numbers may be increasing. Four wheelers are everywhere in that unit. It is a extremly beautiful unit with some tough terrian if thats what youre looking for. If you draw it, find moon flat on your map and hunt the aspens in that area. The trophy class deer are much harder to find, it is turning into a regular unit with a inflated reputation.
Trout creeks have also experienced a decline in numbers. Years ago people drove from all around the country to hunt that area. Its fairly open and there are still some huge deer there. This year there will be 53 tags and with 7 points you have 0% of drawing. It will take four more years. Do you muzzleloader hunt? the most primo muzldr tag in the USA is in the Juniper unit and there has been a %85 four point plus harvest there for the last ten years straight. You are more or less hunting refuge deer. It is the best trophy hunt in Oregon, and although it will take 2-3 more years it is well worth it. If I had seven points I would be waiting. but if you decide to hunt the steens please contact me I can help as I know the unit very well and can almost tell you what rock to sit on.
Like you, it would be nice if we had more "action" in this forum but I also don't mind the way it's ran now. I can check it when I have time, post to the topics that I find interesting or I have knowledge of, and checking back for replies next time I'm online.
MORE POWER TO YA THOUGH MY FRIEND! If you can get people on here more often and also get them to be more proactive then you have my vote!
that is also my dream, to one day go to alaskaor canada and hunt four or five different species of animals on a month or two trip. although i think alaska and canada have got a pretty good selection of animals to hunt, i would definetly have to hunt a big ole' northern muley, man everytime i see a picture of a northern muley i can't believe how freakin big they are, the body size is just unreal.
i have not been blessed with kids yet, but look forward to the day, although i am enjoying the single life. look at it like this, at least you have someone to teach all your hunting skills too, and soon you will have a best hunting buddy. as i know who my best hunting buddy is, although my dad and i don't hunt together much, he will always be my favorite hunting parntner and i owe all my knowledge to him.