Are you practicing???
6/20/07 7:04pm
Now's the time to get out and start shooting it everyday. It is the middle of June and before you know it the seasons will be here.
I would like to go shoot some more 3d but all the clubs are a tank of gas round trip away and somehow spending almost $100 to shoot a round does not excite me.
I hear you guys talking about 40 yards and more. That is sure a long ways. Especially for a Misssouri white tail hunter (that makes it to Colorado almost every year) that likes his longbows and selfbows.
I just want to have a tight 20 yard group.
I need to MAKE time and tell everyone it is MY time, leave me alone. I put some entries on my calander and told my wife don't shedual any thing for that time. I will see how it works.
Motivation, Practice, Practice.
Man, that vulcan sure packs a punch! I have been shooting it at 70 lbs for a while now and it is easy to pull and easy to shoot. Outside temps were in the high 80's today, nice weather to shoot in(unlike Phoenix)!
I have been working on my form up close. It about time to put some distance between me and the target.