Are you practicing???

Now's the time to get out and start shooting it everyday. It is the middle of June and before you know it the seasons will be here.

Everyday, no excuses!

i have been shooting lots, i also hit a 3-d tournement last weekend that was a blast, i want to hit a few more. i also have the "new bow " vibes that get me all excited to shoot even more than usuall.
Ive been shooting 2-3 times a week for the last 3 weeks. Practice Practice Practice. And I have been practicing from about 50 yards.
Practice year round about 2-3 times per week, with a gap sometimes taking a week or two off. Have been shooting oout to 80 yards, a lot at 60-70 yards when the wind is calm. I am now shooting 40 yards like I was shooting 20 last year, tight groups bring a smile.
That longer distance practice does help. It certainly exposes any flaws in your shooting. I do a lot of 50-60 yards which is max from my back yard and then my 40 on in are very tight. I also Have been practicing in the wind to get a good feel for the wind drift.

I would like to go shoot some more 3d but all the clubs are a tank of gas round trip away and somehow spending almost $100 to shoot a round does not excite me.
I've been so busy lately I have not been on this site. What is the first post I read Practice Practice. Yes you guys are correct. I need to MAKE time to do it. I have not felt good about my shooting for about 5 years. I know that it all is because of no prcatice.

I hear you guys talking about 40 yards and more. That is sure a long ways. Especially for a Misssouri white tail hunter (that makes it to Colorado almost every year) that likes his longbows and selfbows.

I just want to have a tight 20 yard group.

I need to MAKE time and tell everyone it is MY time, leave me alone. I put some entries on my calander and told my wife don't shedual any thing for that time. I will see how it works.

Motivation, Practice, Practice.
I need to get some arrows first. haha. I still every once in awhile shoot it with some crappy different kinds of arrow but i dont try to sight it in till i get all of 1 kind of arrow.
2 or 3 days a week practise, plus 3D archery league on Wed. evenings. I'll begin shooting broadheads in early Aug.
I am getting new arrows cut soon. I just hope I do not have and gun shyness.
Year round....three-four times a week.....20-30 arrows per session.....unless I'm hunting. :arrow
The north slope
It's easy for you guys in beautiful areas to practice. Forcing myself to got out and shoot when it's 115 is just brutal.... Indoor doesn't do much good for me, because the ranges are just not long enough to get much more than a little exercise. Getting away to the pines for an occasional 3D shoot is most of the practice I get this time of year.
I shot about 80 shots yesterday indoors and then the wind died down last night. Shot another 60 shots at 40-50 yards last night. Back out there today shooting at 40-60 yards this morning and this evening, about 60 shots each time. Had one group(12 arrows) at 50 yards within a 5 inch circle with only one outside that, about 4 inches to the right but it had a fletching coming off so I didn't count it! ;)
Man, that vulcan sure packs a punch! I have been shooting it at 70 lbs for a while now and it is easy to pull and easy to shoot. Outside temps were in the high 80's today, nice weather to shoot in(unlike Phoenix)!
I have been having "issues" with my bow fit. I picked up a new Ross that doesn't fit me well at all, and my pro-shop guy is a horses ass who only caters to Hoyt shooters (even though he deals Ross products)...It's been very discouraging to say the least........... :>/
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3-4 times a week since turkey season ended.

I have been working on my form up close. It about time to put some distance between me and the target.