
Does anyone own or have driven an Argo. If so what do you think about them?
Rides a little rough, not very fast but will go places that are hard to believe. I have never used it in the water but with the tracks it is a wicked machine.
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Thanks, if get one i'll be useing primaraly in the snow.
Tonoonyi" alt="" />

This is how I have mine set up. The top and heater makes it pretty comfortable when the weather gets rough.
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Let me see, eight wheel drive on tracks, enclosed cab and a heater? If that critter is legal in NM like four wheelers I'm sold. My wife may not see for months at a time instead of weeks. And the docters that told last week I can,t hunt like I do becuase my legs won't carry me anymore can kiss my @#$$.
In Washington it lists just the same as any ATV. You can run it on any of the roads and trails that are open to off road vehicles. There are some trails that have a width restriction on them, but you would need to check the NM regulations to know for sure.
I don't know how good Argo's are, but that one looks comfy, I have a couple of COOT's, and they will climb a tree, if the bark doesn't slip, but I'm likin' the whole heater and top thing you got going on.