Arizona Bear Picture

"I killed this bear at 7 yards July 27
I also called a lion in to 15 yards the same morning but did not get a shot.
Skull measures 20 0/16 pope and young officially."

Chip Beiner
Tucson AZ" alt="" />
Wow. I have never bear hunted, but from the looks I should try it out! Looks pretty green also, whereabouts in az did you get him?
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nice lookin bear i haven't bear hunted either but i think me an my dad are gonna try it pretty soon
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that is a nice bear nice brown color different from the super blckies up here its nice to see
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Thats a nice bear. I havent seen a cinnamon bear like that in real life. I've shot bears with my rifle. I shot a bear from about 10-15 feet last year with my bow that was pretty exciting but also scary at the same time. Well good looking bear. Bowhunting rules.