arizona big game unit 30b?

does anybody know anythink about hunting in unit 30b in arizona and where might be a good starting point for a mid november hunt? (???)
I can't help you out, but welcome to MuleyMadness.
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Here's a link to access some info.
We don't hunt that far south because we cannot safely camp there anymore. Leave someone behind to guard your camp and hunt in pairs. There's a little war going on in the area across the border and lots of traffic usually. Good luck.
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thanks for the welcome, thanks for the warning but I think well ake our chances,
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I was talking after church this morning and mentioned unit 30 and one guy was saying they had some illegals turn themselves in to them while hunting there a few years ago. Seems state law says you can't refuse them water if they ask and they know that. They were lost and half starved and also ate most of their food before the border patrol got there to take them. One of the ranchers around Douglas got into trouble this spring for roughing 2 of them up a bit and has to pay $78,000 in civil penalties for causing mental anguish so don't kick any. ](*,)
Good luck.
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lol im sure ill try my hardest but if they can point me in the right direction to that 180 in mulley buck then what the heck why not, lol jk but thanks for the info Mark!
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30B is a hard unit. I had a Mule tag there last year and didnt see one. If you are hunting whites try abbot canyon/Mule mountains, just outside of bisbee. we couldnt turn around last year with out seeing them. Good luck.