Arizona coues deer help?

Morning guy's. This is my first post on your site, very nice. I have been lucky enough to have harvested some nice bulls and mule deer in both Arizona and Colorado, but this is my first late season archery deer hunt. The only information I have been able to get is that units 31 and 28 have some nice bucks, both mulies and coues deer. Can anyone help me out here? I'm not concerned with a big buck, just a unit that offers me a chance to fill my tag. I know the coues bucks rut in January, and I was planning on glassing than trying to stalk a bedded buck. My only deer hunts in Arizona so far have been in Kaibab and up north in units 1 and 6A. Thanks guy's. :)

::wel to MuleyMadness, can't help you out on the hunts as I've never hunted that area. Hopefully someone can give you some pointers.
::wel feel free to post pictures lol :)
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Thank you, I appreciate that. :)
Hey Joe,

Welcome to MuleyMadness! I can't help ya much regarding your request but I know there are a few folks here on the site that have hunted Coues before. Hopefully one of them will have some info for ya.

I just wanted to welcome ya to the site. Enjoy!
Both units are good
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Thank you AGCHAWK, seems like some very nice people on this site. I appreciate the input from you as well Gilamonster8, thank you. I was born and raised up here in Mesa, but this is a new kind of hunt for me. I can only hunt from December 26th through January 5th, but I'm very pumped about chasing those coues deer with my bow. It seems anymore that I spend every September chasing bulls in Idaho and Colorado because our tags are so tough to draw, this hunt should be fun. Enjoy the Holidays....Joe :)
The Ox
sorry cant help ya but welcome! also post those pics of those bucks you got!