Arizona unit 20A......HELP!!!!
10/21/08 7:38pm
I recently moved to Az from the midwest. I got drawn for unit 20A. I've been on several bowhunting/scouting trips in the unit, mostly south of prescott. I consider myself an accomplished whitetail hunter but know little about mule deer and resources seem limited. I'm not a road hunter. When I have scouted the unit, it's been on foot, covering many miles at various elevation ranging from 5-7K feet. Deer sign and sightings have been sparse and the frustrating part is the areas seem to have nothing in common. Season opens this Friday and I feel totaly unprepared. On the bright side, hunting is always a learning experience and this trip will be no different. While I am not asking if someone has one tied up somewhere, I would greatly appreciate any advise that anyone could offer. Thanks....
Bohntr- Recognize you from Hunttalk. I truly enjoy your stories I have read on there from you! 10sign: