Arrow in Neck - 4 point

I'll leave my comment out of this at least for now. :)
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JMO, I've been bow hunting for over 40yrs and that picture is pure propaganda. There is no way that arrow would stay in that deer any amount fo time with that much hanging out the other side. They need to do alot more research on penotration before they photoshop another pic. :>/
Not a photoshopped pic by the way. Though it is pretty unbelievable that it hasn't broken off the arrow or bent it yet. I had a friend of mine who shot a buck that had an arrow through the entire head. It had entered right below the eye and came out the back side of its head with about 8 inches of arrow exposed on both ends. It hadn't broke off any of the arrow and the wound had actually healed itself around the arrow. It was way cool to see. Here is another article with some more pics of the buck.
Just looks like another black eye for hunters to me.

Now I wasn't there when the buck was arrowed so I have absolutely NO WAY of knowing what happened. Was it an unethical archer who took a STUPID shot? Was it one small twig somewhere along the flight path of the arrow that caused it to deflect off course? Or did the buck jump the string and take it in the neck? We don't know...but the anti-hunters out there could care less.

I hope the buck lives. Looks to me like the arrow missed everything vital and that provided he can keep from getting an infection, he should survive.
I have to agree with AGCHAWK, who knows what really happened. I think the buck will be fine, but hate to give the mamby pamby jackwagon anti's any fodder.

I'll bet that broadhead is stuck in the base of the skull and the arrow will eventually break off.
There was a case here in Kansas where a rifle hunter discovered a bump on the bucks head he had shot only to find out it was a broadhead. He had a euro mount with the broadhead easily seen. Wonder if I can find that story.
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Where is that game warden from carson city nevada when you need him?
Where is that game warden from carson city nevada when you need him?
That warden only puts down big nontypicals that way they wont get poached :-k
I'm not sure whatever happened to that buck, but I'll say he had a 50/50 chance of surviving.

Check out this story..
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"firefighterbraun" wrote:Not a photoshopped pic by the way. Though it is pretty unbelievable that it hasn't broken off the arrow or bent it yet. I had a friend of mine who shot a buck that had an arrow through the entire head. It had entered right below the eye and came out the back side of its head with about 8 inches of arrow exposed on both ends. It hadn't broke off any of the arrow and the wound had actually healed itself around the arrow. It was way cool to see. Here is another article with some more pics of the buck.
That would be a sick mount