Arrow Wraps?
11/10/07 10:43am
Would someone please answer this question, What are arrow wraps for and what the heck do they do?!
they make your arrow more accurate and fly faster! They also make you find bigger deer!
better get ya some! :))
they are for vizibility??spelling?? so you can see your arrow flight better in low light conditions. it tells you if you really made a good hit and can trail him in 15 minutes or if you made a poor hit and need to wait till the next day to track him
thats why all the women have been following me, guess i bettee take them off! :))
I will usually wrap my hunting arrows with a white wrap, this helps me to see what kind of blood I have on my hit better.
You never know though....they jus might help you get chicks as well! :thumb
However, when I used Bohning paints and prep materials and hand dipped and crested my arrows, I had no problem with adhesion. It's my belief the material used for the wraps are not conducive to reliable adhesion. JMO
As with Southwind mine stick great! It is very rare that I lose a vane.
Good luck with your endeavors!
The only time I lost a vane last year was when I shanked at the range and it skipped under the pallet the target was sitting on.
Here is a pic of a blazer that I shot through the vane. Blazers are very tuff and had a history of not sticking well. I too experienced this on bare shafts until I went to wraps. I am also using goat tuff glue which I think is a excellent vane adhesive. I have not lost one vane since going with wraps. Not all wraps are created equal either, I bought some custom wraps online that were nowhere as good as the bohning I have been using.
They have been great for me.
I am using a trophyridge dropzone rest.
I am a big fan of a self containing (will hold your arrow or put it in place when you shoot) arrow rest. I don't want to have to worry about having to "put" my arrow on the rest. Or for that matter having it slip or fall so it is not aligned properly.