Arrow Wraps?

Would someone please answer this question, What are arrow wraps for and what the heck do they do?!

they make your arrow more accurate and fly faster! They also make you find bigger deer!

better get ya some! :))

:)) :)) And the chicks dig them too :)) :))
they are for vizibility??spelling?? so you can see your arrow flight better in low light conditions. it tells you if you really made a good hit and can trail him in 15 minutes or if you made a poor hit and need to wait till the next day to track him

thats why all the women have been following me, guess i bettee take them off! :))

"9er" wrote:Killerbee,

thats why all the women have been following me, guess i bette take them off! :))

I personally like the looks of dipped/crested arrows. It's a lot of work but they turn out really nice. Here are some I have done up for friends and family. I am way too picky to sell the services." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Those looks awesome, some day I may wrap mine.
Heads or Tails
When it comes right down to it in most cases, they are for looks. They do help you see your arrow fly (depending on color and size). Alot of target shooters will wrap their arrow to make their arrow more distinguishable on a target.

I will usually wrap my hunting arrows with a white wrap, this helps me to see what kind of blood I have on my hit better.

You never know though....they jus might help you get chicks as well! :thumb
They also make your vanes hold better.
"southwind" wrote:They also make your vanes hold better.
With all the testing I did on several different type of wraps, I found the complete opposite to be true. No matter how I prep the shafts, what bonding agent used, vanes would not adhere as well as to the shaft itself.

However, when I used Bohning paints and prep materials and hand dipped and crested my arrows, I had no problem with adhesion. It's my belief the material used for the wraps are not conducive to reliable adhesion. JMO
Heads or Tails
As you can see NevadaHunter, it is yet another one of those issues that you just have to try and go though a little trial and error to see what works best for you. It can and will work differently with different people. You can get bad wraps, so if you are going to do wraps research it a bit and talk to people that have used them to find which ones are good.
As with Southwind mine stick great! It is very rare that I lose a vane.

Good luck with your endeavors!
With all the testing I did on several different type of wraps, I found the complete opposite to be true. No matter how I prep the shafts, what bonding agent used, vanes would not adhere as well as to the shaft itself.

However, when I used Bohning paints and prep materials and hand dipped and crested my arrows, I had no problem with adhesion. It's my belief the material used for the wraps are not conducive to reliable adhesion. JMO
A complete 180 from what I have found. Good luck with it though.
A complete 180 from what I have found. Good luck with it though.
I must be rougher on vanes in the field than most.... (**!!) I wish I could get them to stick better, as I really like the look. My eyes can definitely track arrow flight better with them on and reading blood sign on your arrow becomes a bit easier also. What bonding agent are you guys using?
Heads or Tails
Occasionally I will wipe the arrow with a rag that is just damp with denatured alcahol, you can wipe the vane with a q-tip if you like too. But the best glue I have used is Goat-Tuff.

The only time I lost a vane last year was when I shanked at the range and it skipped under the pallet the target was sitting on.
What arrow rest are you using?
Heads or Tails
I use the PSE Phantom drop away and yourself?
southwind" alt="" />

Here is a pic of a blazer that I shot through the vane. Blazers are very tuff and had a history of not sticking well. I too experienced this on bare shafts until I went to wraps. I am also using goat tuff glue which I think is a excellent vane adhesive. I have not lost one vane since going with wraps. Not all wraps are created equal either, I bought some custom wraps online that were nowhere as good as the bohning I have been using.

They have been great for me.

I am using a trophyridge dropzone rest.
I use the PSE Phantom drop away and yourself?
I was shooting a Trophy Taker....but am now trying out the WB.
Heads or Tails
The biscuit is definately a little harder on vanes than some others, but you can't beat it's reliability and ease of use and tuning. Especially if you are treestanding or in quick shooting situations. If something happens in the feild you can almost eyeball tune one well enough to shoot.

I am a big fan of a self containing (will hold your arrow or put it in place when you shoot) arrow rest. I don't want to have to worry about having to "put" my arrow on the rest. Or for that matter having it slip or fall so it is not aligned properly.
Yeah, I'm still not sold on it (WB).......but told someone I'd test it. It shoots nice, and with Blazers, I've had no issues at all. But with wraps, I had some issues.
The last two seasons I've fought the same problem as BOHNTR. I've tried everything from different wraps, to different glues, to different methods, and still can't get blazers to bond well on a wrap. I've literally tried it hundreds of times without success. If I put them on 10 arrows I can expect four or five of them to eventually fall off. I've now had enough and will be getting rid of all my wraps.
well i just shot a rabbit the other day with a red wrap and my cousin said he saw something red go by a rabbit. and he was at least 60 yards from me!......Bohntr i am using a wisker buiscuit for my arrow rest.