
does anybody have any arrows that are longer than 30 inches i could buy? shoot a pm to me if so!
Can you be a little more specific as to what size or material you are looking for in these arrows?
30-34 inches, don't matter what material all my arrows broke!, and i hope the fletches will stay on the arrow!, what material do you suggest? i will probobly take whatever you have.
nevada, you should stop in a bow shop and try to get an arrow that fits your bow, you should try to keep them all the same so you can learn to get real accurate. it's kinda hard to get sighted in if your arrows all shoot different. so if you can get a size that fits your bow, then maybe someone will have some arrows that size for you........
ok cause all the ones i had were about 29 inches long and my bow draw lenght is 28 inches and draw weight is about 34-37 they didn't work out to well because as soon as the hit the bunnies or the target they suck from then on. The flethches are just to weird!

I wonder if they are like that in all arrows?..all bendy and stuff? But I called my g- pa and asked him if he would go down to the bow/ gun shop."gunworld".....and see if they had any arrows from 30-34 inches...but i don't want little stupid arrows that have a stupid pretty much blunt tip! I want brodheads for this and next year.

but do you have to get arrows that have absoulutely no tip and then do the brodheads just screw on easy as 123?
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personally to make it more fun for you and a little easier. You REALLY need to go down to a reputable bow shop and get fitted. meening get your exact draw length measured out. plus they will be more than happy to teach you about fletching,arrow rests and any other question you might want and/or need answers to.
Please take their advice and see a shop. you can really hurt yourself.
even out of a 40lb bow, the wrong shaft can cause you greif. Please use the right equipment