5/21/12 6:11pm
ok, we bought several stealth cams because they were on sale and i thought they would be a good buy. they are absolute crap :>/ . what brand isn't overly expensive but are good quality. i dont want to spend 300$ a piece on trail cams because i have to get a bunch of them. what would u guy suggest.
The TruthCam 46 is also a good one for about ~$20 more with a little extra range on the IR flash and in camo. (on sale @ Cabelas now for $120).
They also now make the 35 and 46 in an Ultra IR model which are smaller & run off AA's instead of D's, they are $120 to $160.
Unread postby killerbee » Mon May 21, 2012 6:18 pm
what kinda issues are you having with them? all in all, they seem to get a great review for cheaper cams?
The batteries wear down quickly, the night pics are terrible, and they are way to sensitive. If the wheat blows it sets the camera off. The triggerspeed is real slow. I have a ton of pictures of deer butts because they have already passed before the camera goes off. At night the pictures wash out if the animal is close and you cant see anything but eyes if they are more than 30 ft. They work ok i guess if your deer are programmed to come in at noon and stand still for several seconds. I have four of them and they are all the same.
"Eyeball" night shots of distant animals and washed out close ups are part of the nature of these cameras. Most of the time you really can't avoid it, I've had those problems with ALL my cameras. If you're seeing a spot where all you're getting are eyes then you should move your camera closer to the area that the deer are moving to/thru... if that's possible.
It took me 3 years before I even got a picture of a buck... it's a learning process but it's fun (I learn more slowly than most).
Your battery life is often a function of the settings you use. I set my TruthCams for 1 photo every 10 seconds and the 4 D batteries lasted me almost 4 months. I increased to a 3 shot burst and the battery life dropped to about 6 weeks.
I'm considering building my own "steroid pack" by running a half dozen 6V batteries together in series (keeps the voltage at 6V but increases the amps & therefore increases running life on the camera) and store it in a marine battery case. It would take some work and be an absolute BEAR to pack up the mountain... but maybe I'll leave it on the first tree I come to! I don't know if you could do the same with a bunch of regular AA batteries.