Asking for help on Archery elk hunt in Uintas
3/27/09 10:02pm
I'm not asking for anyones secret honey hole, just honest advice from experienced bow hunters. I'm sick and tired of the sea of orange and the crap that comes along with it. I have always been a `rifle hunter for mule deer, last year i drew and harvisted a 4X5 on Hrdscrabble CWMU. I would really like to hunt the uintas this year and am looking at 3 areas have heard about in the past. I'm looking at the area sourounding the Lyman lakes, China meadows or Whitney lake. I you could help me decide i will greatly appreciate it. I'm not looking absolitely stuck on a 350 class bull, however crazy things have happen to me before. I'm am hooked on harvesting a branch antler bull with a bow. I want to experience the thrill of the rut. I want a nasty, stinky, pissed of bull to scream in my face. I want to experience the thrill of being so involved in the hunt i lose track of everyting else but the hunt. I hope i'm am able to get the very most out of this hunt. I'm willig to hike my guts out and hire a packer if succesful. I wish i had the money and i'd hire a guide this year to learn from the best. If you can share any information i will be very grateful gar un teed. Thanks in advance. Todd
there are bulls there, there are branched bulls!! good luck and let us know how it goes
sorry im not much help
I hunt the uintahs ever once in a while on the rifle hunt. Let me just say that it is some of the toughest hunting I have ever done. There are elk there but they are tough to find. And when you do find them they are tough to get in on them.
Im not saying I can't be done, because I have taken a couple of small 4 pts but I have yet to see a bull that would push the 330 mark, The bigest bull I have seen up there is maybe a 310 bull. There are biggers bulls there more than likely but they are very few and far between.
The areas you are asking about I am not familiar with, all I can tell you is spend some time up there this summer and see if you can locate the animals. Good luck to you. Let us know how you do.
Anyways my point is, just do some research. there are lots of elk up there, but unfortunately most of the good hunting is on or very near the private ranches. Good luck to ya though, and it is very beautiful country.
Didn't see him other than this.