Aspen more important than Elk?

Apparently the government thinks that Aspen trees are more important than elk:

Study: Yellowstone wolves help trees rebound
By MATTHEW BROWN | AP – Tue, Jan 3, 2012

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — The return of gray wolves has dramatically altered the landscape in portions of Yellowstone National Park, as new trees take root in areas where the predators have curbed the size of foraging elk herds, according to scientists in a new study.

Stands of aspen, willow and cottonwood are expanding in areas where for decades dense elk populations prevented new growth, said study author William Ripple from Oregon State University.

While other factors may play a role, from a changing climate to wildfires, more than a decade of research has confirmed earlier assertions that the return of Yellowstone's elk-hungry wolves has spurred new plant growth, he said.

The findings from Ripple and co-author Robert Beschta will be published in the scientific journal Biological Conservation. The study already has been released online.

Wolves are "apex predators, on top of the food web," Ripple said. "They're more than just charismatic animals that are nice to have around. We're finding that their function in nature is very important."

Wolves have spin-off benefits, too, the researchers said: As trees grow taller, the stands provide more habitat for yellow warblers and other songbirds and more food for beavers, which in turn construct ponds that attract fish, reptiles and amphibians.
one hunting fool
I love how the author side steps all the devistation the wolves do to the elk with "As trees grow taller, the stands provide more habitat for yellow warblers and other songbirds and more food for beavers, which in turn construct ponds that attract fish, reptiles and amphibians"
D-bags run the park's bio dept.
"paladin" wrote:Stands of aspen, willow and cottonwood are expanding in areas where for decades dense elk populations prevented new growth, said study author William Ripple from Oregon State University.
Wolves have spin-off benefits, too, the researchers said: As trees grow taller, the stands provide more habitat for yellow warblers and other songbirds and more food for beavers, which in turn construct ponds that attract fish, reptiles and amphibians.
Of course he's happy that there's more food for the beavers... he's a beaver himself!
Muleys 24/7
thats something else
I hope the EPA doesnt shut those beavers down for destroying the water ways as they are naturally occuring. I dont know who pay their citation either.
just another anti b.s. propaganda study. it would be nice if wildlife conservation would one day be dictated by commonsense and science as apposed to this garbage. hunter conservationalists need to stand up together and make our voice heard. we squabble amongst each other to much over how we should hunt and such. meanwhile idiots like this are swaying the hearts and minds of the general public. if we aren't careful we are going to wake up one day and our passion and heritage will be gone. i also wonder how much money was spent on this idiotic study especially since most DNR's have took huge funding cuts this year.
"gizmo1" wrote:just another anti b.s. propaganda study. it would be nice if wildlife conservation would one day be dictated by commonsense and science as apposed to this garbage. hunter conservationalists need to stand up together and make our voice heard. we squabble amongst each other to much over how we should hunt and such. meanwhile idiots like this are swaying the hearts and minds of the general public. if we aren't careful we are going to wake up one day and our passion and heritage will be gone. i also wonder how much money was spent on this idiotic study especially since most DNR's have took huge funding cuts this year.
I would almost bet the farm the funding for this "research" was funded by the "I love all wolves" organization.
Although there is in fact a truth behind the dramatic changes that have been observed, I have no doubt the reasearchers utilized the wuffies as the cause and effect in order to propell their agenda. There are studies done with similar results, but with DIFFERENT cause and effect data. What is it that they say? Those who speak the loudest gets heard...